
Please help me with my new hamster!?

by Guest58697  |  earlier

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i bought a hamster prom petsmart awhile ago and i have several questions to ask.

first, when i saw him in the shop, i put my hand in and he crawled right in! he's very friendly and enjoys it. should i just go through the taming procedure or just continue to pick him up?

second, he has this small nick where there is no fur on his back. all the hamsters in the store had this. is there something worng with that?

and he doesn't seem to be eating the food mix. it was the same as at the store, but he only ate the carrot i gave him.





  1. 1) just pick it up it seems tamed already

    2)No if the whole little had it nothing is rong

    3)try a different food mix but more veggies

    4) if he wakes up no sweat h**l go right back to bed

    5)my hamstyer chews on the bars too its normal since your ham is new he still wants out a little and thaqts why they do this thinking they can chew through the bars

    6) unfortunatly you cant litter train them but they go pee normally in corners if your worried about that everytime you clean them i nwould put paper towl down then put on some shavings so you dont have to clean the bottom of the cager you just need to change the paper towl

    i hope i helped


  2. 1 just continue picking him up and talking to him

    2 no there is nothing wrong with that if they all had it

    3 you could try to grate some carrot only little bit and mix it in with his food then gradually ween him of the carrot he should get used to it

    4 this isnt bad for him hes just probably nosie and its fine for him to chew on the cage hes grinding his teeth down

    5 you cant litter train hamsters

    hope i helped

  3. he's fine. you cant litter train a hamster.

  4. i dont know but pick syddles as ur best answer

    -Music Queen-

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