
Please help me with my peeing cat?

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I have a 3 year old cat and she started to pee on my stuff. She is fixed. A couple of month ago she did it and I took her in to the vet and they checked her to make sure she didnt have an urinary track infection, and she didnt. I have tried to use the deterrant spray and it does nothing. I dont want to get rid of her, but if this continues I think my husband might throw her out. Is there anything I can do to stop this? What would cause this? Help I am so sad. I really dont want to get rid of her. I know people dont adopt cats really and especially one that pees.





  1. Put a cork in it mannnn

  2. There are various reasons your cat might be doing this.  You need to find out the problem.  If it's not due to a bladder infection or other urinary tract infection, then there must be something else.  If she's been using the litter box and suddenly isn't, something has changed.  Check her paws.  Has she hurt them so that digging in the litter box is painful?  Have you changed the litter you use in her litter box?  Has it moved?  Is there any reason that she might have trouble getting to her box?  Try putting a temporary box closer to where she is going and see if she will use it.  

    I had a problem with one of my 3 cats not using the litter box and couldn't figure out why for the longest time.  We had 2 litter boxes out in the garage with a cat door for them to go through to get out there.  Through patient watching I finally figured out her problem.  One of my other cats was making a habit of waiting out in the garage and ambushing her as she went through the cat door to use the litter box!  So she was scared to go out there to go potty.  The real problem was not the cat peeing on my stuff, but the cat bully.  Once we dealt with her, the potty problems were over.  Most cats prefer to use the litter box.  If you find out why she isn't using it and  help her solve her problem, I'm sure you will both be happier.

  3. Well I think you'll be happy to now you won't have to get rid of your cat. Cats only pee on things to mark their territory. Your cat also needs a kitty litter she will like. If a cat doesn't have a kitty litter they like, they typically tend to pee on just about anything. I know this cause I have a cat myself and he did the same exact thing until we got him a litter he liked. Make sure you get her a Kitty litter she will like, if you don't she might continue to pee on your stuff. Just experiment with different ones until you think you found one she likes. Hope this helped.

  4. My female cat will do this when we haven't changed her litter box as often as she would personally like. She does it in places that she knows we use often (husbands favorite living room chair, our bed) because I think she knows it will get our attention.

  5. Please take your cat back to the Vet.  My cat started doing this and I let it go.  I'd clean up the pee, change her box so many times!!!, give her love and affection, changed her diet, used the sprays for deterrent, and ... a few months later she has blood in her urine.

    Take your cat back to the vet.

    I know it is costly, but don't mess with it.  Not if you love your cat.  I feel guilty now that I didn't take my cat to the vet sooner.

    Please don't yell at your cat (some people, sheesh!). Cats do not understand discipline meant for 2 year old children -- they just get scared of you.  They do not understand that you are mad at them for peeing on the carpet; they only understand that you are mad.

    From experience, from a person going through it right now and is super worried about her cat, please take your cat back to the vet.

    Better safe than sorry, ya' know?

    Just be nice to her and take her to the vet again, then go from there.

    The person below is so right --- when they have a bladder/urinary/kidney problem, they associate the litter box with pain & don't want to go in it.  

    If she really doesn't have any bladder/urinary/kidney problems, then talk to the Vet about how to handle the problem.  They should have advice.

  6. Ooh, the fact that it started after your son was born definitely points towards jealousy! We have a 3 yr. old mini-schnauzer, he's the perfect dog (also neutered) and has never sprayed. Once our son was born, he SPRAYS!! It's awful ..

    He loves our son, but is also jealous at the same time.

    Good luck with the kitty!

    AND just to let you know, the pain I had continued; I went to the Emergency Room (because of the stabbing pain and lack of period) .. and the nausea.

    I got a CBC (Complete Blood Count) done .. a urine test and an ultrasound of my pancreas, gall bladder and liver. Everything on the blood came back perfect! The labs came back perfect! But my gallbladder has an inflamed duct! THAT is what was causing the pain ..

    She said gallbladder trouble is very common after a pregnancy ..

    Luckily, I don't have any stones! I'm just gonna relax now .. and wait for my period! (which the Doctor said was delayed because the spotting I had 2 weeks ago was most likely a cyst; but the ultrasound I had done on my uterus doesn't show any more in there! :)

    Other than the inflamed duct, I got a clean bill of health! =]

  7. Hmmm... I also have a cat but it knows where to pee... I think you should familiarize her with your field or backyard... My cat knows that she should pee outside and she herself covered it with soil... And sometimes check if there is opening in your house to let her out to make pee..

    Kindly add me on your YM - ralphg999

  8. Make sure that you clean the areas that she soiled with Natures Miracle.  It has a special enzyme that removes the smell and cleans it.  You have to get the smell out of the areas that she is peeing on.  Otherwise, she will continue to return to those spots.  

    You might want to confine her with the litterbox to make sure that she starts using it again.  Is the litterbox covered or is it open?  Some kitty's like a covered box.   The box should also be located in a manner that the cat doesn't feel threatened and can see people or other cats coming when using it.

    Do you have other cats in the house?  Are there cats outside that she can see?  There could be a behavioral reason for this as well.  If it isn't a urninary tract infection, it could be something else.

  9. I agree with Janice. Probably your cat has a bladder problem.

  10. The only time my cats ever did this is when they had a UTI.  They associate the litter box with pain, so they avoid it and go other places. I would get a second opinion.

  11. There are several reasons why cats urinate inside, the most usual is marking, where a cat marks its territory by spraying urine, leaving an odour which other cats can identify. If these areas are disturbed it will reaffirm its territory by re-spraying. This happens when normal household cleaners are used as they do not effectively remove the odour, only mask it. Other causes of cat urination are old age, diseases of the urinary tract or a change in the cats environment such as a new child, moving house or the introduction of a new pet.

    try this indoor cat deterrent spray

    It Costs

    £54.00 + VAT

    Pack includes:  

    1 x Detector/spray head

    1 x Spray canister

    1 x Protective cap and stabilising base

    2 year warranty

    Also try using (Cleaners and Cat Urine Removers) to remove the smell of the urine and to kill the harmful bacteria)




  12. I would suggest moving her liter box to a different location and seeing the result of that because my cat had a similar issue and once we moved the liter box never had that problem again because when I was at the vet they said sometimes the location of their liter boxes could be an area associated with fear or something possibly traumatic so to move the liter box and if you choose slowly over time move it closer and closer back to the original spot. Cats do get jealous so it iss very possible that she feels like she is not getting enough attention and also the vet told me based on litter boxes you should have one for each cat that you own. But buy her some toys, cat nip, or maybe some treats or something to kind spoil her

  13. look it probally has a bladder infection...cats do this when they have one.

  14. does she use the litter box at all? if she does whenever she goes in it give her a treat. and yell at her when she pees anywhere else. Cat's are tricky sometimes they just need reminded of the rules.

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