
Please help me with my spot serving! tips please?

by  |  earlier

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im a spot server, & i just started spot serving last week. im ok, because i havent practiced much, but i have an amazing natural topspin.

any tips to help with spot serving?

especially getting a 3, i cant get that 3!

thank you!;]




  1. Okay well this is what I do. I'm the smallest girl on the team and I am one of the best hard hitting servers.

    1. Put your arm out (your left one,your ball holding one)

    2. Your left arm should be more to the right side of you, near your hitting hand.

    3. Take a step throw it up.

    and hit hard. go all the way through with hitting, dont stop.

    Also bounce the ball a few times before you serve it helps momentum.

    Your hips usually do all the aiming.

  2. When you aim for three make sure you reach and contact at highest point you can without missing the ball. Don't hit it too hard or you'll hit 6. but with the top spin that should drop it right over the net.

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