
Please help me with my toothache, ive had it for weeks and dont have $ to go to the dentist. what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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to make it better. i dont know what its from from but the left side of my mouth hurts liks h**l.




  1. put a paracetamol there and then go to sleep

    it will be gone when u wake up

  2. wisdom teeth/

    and it's bad that you don't have $ to  go to the dentist. Your money should go towards your health before anything else. you can die from tooth problems that are left untreated e.g. cavitis that get so bad you need to have root canal, but you can't have one. the infection spreads to your brain

  3. Pull it your self like I do.Mind over matter.

  4. You can take ibuprofen. Another thing is to get some clove oil or chew a couple of cloves and hold the juices from the cloves in your mouth. Helps with the pain. Get some orajel or anbesol and put this on but this is a very temporary fix.

    Please save your money and go to the dentist. Honestly you cannot afford NOT to go because your teeth are very important.

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