
Please help me with these dreams!?

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So recently, I've had a crush this guy who is my best guy friend. 3 of my best friends like him too.

But for 3 nights in a row, my dreams have revolved around this guy.

The first dream was about my school holding a kid version of the Olympics. I went down into this shed that led to a basement that was a changing room. I went up a ladder that somehow led me to a mall/ food court in China. All these Asians were staring at me angrily. I turned around and there was the guy I like. I told him he had to get out of there because I knew the Asians wanted to beat us up. So we go back down the ladder, and there are a group of ninjas waiting to kill us. My guy friend and I huddled together, waiting for our death. Then, he kissed me, got up, and defeated all the ninjas.

The dream the next night was about me trapped in an arena with a bunch of little kids. We had to race around a track, with really steep hills in it. I'm not a very fast runner, so of course I lost. Then after the race was over, my mom's friend shows up with this giant school bus transporting everyone to a beach. I see my guy friend and he asks me to sit next to him. We get there, and he climbs a giant tower on a boardwalk next to the water to use as a diving board. I looked up at the clouds and asked him not to jump, because I knew it was dangerous with the storm, and he's also not a very good swimmer. I don't remember what happened after that.

The third dream which I had last night had to be my favorite. It started out with me in my history class and my teacher told me that I didn't have to work on a long and tedious packet of work because I wrote an awesome essay. I skipped out of class all happy, but I realized that I had no idea where I was going because my school had a different set up than I remember. I turned a corner and found the guy I like talking to a teacher. I asked him where the cafeteria was so I could have lunch. He grabbed my hand and led me to it. I sat down with him at an empty lunch table for a minute and we just talked and flirted. Then he saw his friends come over, so I got up and went back over to where my friends were sitting. I looked in my lunch bag and found a banana that said "From [insert guy friends name here]" (I have no idea why it was a banana...I only kind of like bananas.)

I don't remember many details from the dream, I just remember lots of flirting and closeness to my guy friend.

Can someone help me interpret these dreams?




  1. I think it means that u like him and ur mind isn’t sure if he likes u but ur subconscious is definite and through the dreams ur subconscious shows u this. The ways r just ways ur subconscious shows u that he likes and that he wants u to be safe all the time.

    It is set at school because that is where u see him most of the time, right????,  and it involves events that happen at school and people from school.

    I hope that helps.

  2. You really like this guy and you aren't sure whether he feels the same way. You know he will do anything for you and that will keep him close. You want him but are afraid of what your friends will think too. oh and your self-conscious about yourself around this guy or not around him.

    You really like him, do something about it without exactly telling him, lead him on and eventually he will feel the same way as you do.

    Hope I helped!! :)

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