
Please help me with this embarassing situation!! Believe it or not!! ?

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I still can't believe it myself I thought this only happened on movies.

First of all, my best friend sophie and my best friend larry they were dating about three months ago, and it kind of didn't work out, and I was left stuck in the middle. Now they're doing the "lets be friends again" thing and Im trying to not get involved but still they're both my best friends and specially sophie she tells me everything.

Last night I went with sophie for supper, and we were having our usual girl chat, but she started telling me intimate stuff about her and larry on the weekend, and telling me how she felt about it... I listened and also was pointing her about what she should do etc. ANd also of course told her about my weekend story.. u know, we are pretty close, so we share a lot, even personal stuff.

This morning she called me all freaked out coz Larry HEARD OUR CONVERSATION! I don't know how it happened, supposedly me or him didn't hang up when we were on the phone before, don't ask me!!.

I also met him like an hour ago, and he did tell me to be careful with my phone and that he heard our conversation, he seemed pretty upset.

I'm sooo embarassed, Im not sure how much did he heard, or which part, but of course I feel awful..

Anyone can give me an advice on what to do next??




  1. oh dear thats horrible

    maybe you should just apoligise and tell him that he wasnt meant to hear it and no one else ever would

    its just girl chat and it happens all the time

    make sure he knows that whatever he heard it was accidental not purpose.

    and if it was intimate stuff then tell him she obviously liked it. if he doesnt want stuff to be said about him then he should say something now.

    and he is in the wrong to by eavesdropping, he should of hung up.

    hope this helps.

    plus check your calls on your phone if he was on the line th  details of how long you where on the phone to him should tell all

    if its a lie i think your friend let something slip by accident but forgive her

  2. yall just need to get together and have a THREESOME

  3. Apologize for the oversight, explain that you would never have intentionally left the phone on and that it only embarrassed all three of you, and in the future, you will be especially diligent about hanging up and no allowing for a redial (which may have been the case rather than your not hanging up.)

    If they continue to be upset, remind them that Larry knew he was listening to a private conversation and should have taken the initiative in hanging up on his end.

  4. Although its not funny now, time somehow has away with things like this and it will be.  This story will be something to tell you'll children  about.  The only thing you can do is apoligize for the phone thing and hope that she will see it in a better light after some time passes.  Play it off as no big deal and it will become less of one.  If you play something up than its gets way out of control.  Good Luck!

  5. Not your problem really , after all he was eavesdropping !! It will only become a problem, if you get yourself involved.

  6. you really shouldn't be the one worrying.  I mean, who was the one who didn't hang up and listened to everything his gf and bf were saying? he obviously wanted to know what you guys were gonna talk about.  I mean how long did you two have your girl chat?  One hour, two hours, 30 minutes?  and in all that time, he decided to listen to everything you two were saying and not tell you till the next day?  I really don't think he should be the one that's mad.

  7. just tell him that you and sophie where talking about what she should do next with him. if you explain it well. he should understand

  8. What's the problem?  The only embarrassing thing that I read might be that he heard your story.  If you let that information out of your mouth, oh well.  You got it like that. period. no embarrassment.  At least you got a story, right?  As for their relationship, let them work it out.  Don't accept anything less than friendship from them.

  9. he should have hung up!! what a jerk!

  10. apologize and say it's just our regular girl chat and there's no reason to cry on spilled milk larry

  11. I think he's just saying that to scare you.

    What else could he do?

    Don't worry about it.

  12. If I were you I would switch it around and put the blame on him for snooping around on your private conversation. You should be upset at him for him listening to your private moments with her, and act that way to him, like you are upset with him. He won't know what to do, tell him it's none of his biz and he shouldn't have been listening to you in the first place.

  13. Ok,  try to explain to him how she was your best Friend and she is allowed to tell you her thoughts. It may be embarrassing for him, but try to downplay it. Maybe make a joke about it. He will learn to laugh it off.  

  14. First of all, the whole phone thing is a lie - she told him, and then they made up an excuse to how he knows. be careful what you tell her, because obviously she's super close to him. I don't know why he would be mad though, that's just stupid

  15. Accidents happen.  You didn't leave your phone turned on on purpose.  Tell them both you are sorry.  You can't undo what has been done.  

  16. It is what it is, don't stress yourself out about it, **** happens yah know. just keep a low profile on both ends for a few days and it won't seem like that big a deal after that & hopefully, all of you can go back to being just friends.

  17. simply say:" I sorry you heard our conversation and we were just having a girl chat,and sorry that I upset you."

    Then wait for Larry to response.

  18. As much as I would like to help you with this... it doesnt really make sense sorry!;(

    Talk to him I guess Or clarify your question

  19. DONT WORRY!!!!!!!

    you were only helping sophie!!! you werent gossipping about him in any way, and you were only trying to help both of your best friends.  

  20. You have to tell them that you WILL NOT take sides and for this situation you don't want to know the details. Sorry sophie but it is an intrusion into Larry's life that is too personal. And you want to keep them both as friends.

  21. Well, you didn't really do anything wrong.  It was a mistake.  If he is mad that she told you , then he should be mad at her.  He was wrong to stay on the phone listening.

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