
Please help me with this fear of the MRI machine :(?

by Guest62522  |  earlier

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I'm generally an anxious person, and tomorrow I've got an MRI of the pelvis and later this month, an MRI of the spine at a 'teaching hospital'. My main fear is microparticles of metal flying into the machine and lodging into my body without me feeling it, yes, I know that sounds irrational, but its what I'm really afraid of. I've been prescribed Xanax so I can take 2mg of that no problem, but the paranoid thoughts are still going to be there during and much after the procedure. Just how likely is it for a really small piece of metal to fly into the machine and lodge into my head or body? I'm talking about something that can come in under a students shoe. The other thing is, are these kids going to be around me when the machine is working? I would rather have no one else in the room! I'm thinking of just cancelling my MRI's, my spine and pelvis feels much better than the first week after the incident. I just don't want to get the MRI and regret it so bad later. Thanks to anyone who know




  1. The odds of what you are describing actually happening are so high as to be have a better chance of being hit by lightning, just after having been in a plane crash, right before winning the lottery. I'm really not trying to make fun of you, but there really is no reason to be afraid. I've had several MRIs and am completely normal...other that the fact that I now have this overriding urge to answer questions all the time........well that and my new third eye..............just kidding.

  2. I can assure you with 100% confidence that a MRI is perfectly safe. You will not get any microparticles of metal in you.

    You will be alone in the room. They talk to you on a speaker and they listen to you the entire time. The MRI machine is one of the best medical diagnostic devices we have in the modern world. Be happy it exists rather than worried about it.

    Also remember it will probably take about 20 or so minutes of lying in the machine quite still. It will also make funny noises like brrr clock clock brrrr brrrr. They are all normal so dont panic. Just keep still all the time. If you dont you will get a blurred MRI image and they might have to do it again.

    I am a high tech engineer who understands how these things work. You are safe - I promise! The whole metal thing is over rated anyway. I had accidently left some gold jewelry on once and it did nothing at all. Its also not that powerful that something can come flying across the room. I would rather have a million MRIs over a CAT scan or X-ray.

    Good luck and keep calm. Once you have had it once you will never fear it again. Its more boring than anything.

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