
Please help me with this it has to do with the united kingdom!!!!!?

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so let me get this straight england ,scotland and ireland is part of the uniited kindom wich is also called great britain,and lets say "england " its not a state in uk its just sorta like a section and in that section theres states in those states theirs cities

am i right ??????????

so then were would Warrington, Cheshire

United Kingdom be i dont get this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Ok, let's break it down...

    The United Kingdom consists of 4 COUNTRIES - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    Great Britain is only the mainland countries of England, Scotland and Wales (Northern Ireland is across the Irish sea)

    Each of the COUNTRIES have COUNTIES (the equivalent of America's states, or Canada's provinces). Cheshire is one of the counties in England, and Warrington is a city in that county.

  2. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all countries.

    England, Scotland and Wales make up mainland Britain which is known as Great Britain.

    England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland make up the United Kingdom.

    Warrington, Cheshire is a place in England.

  3. Cheshire is in England. It is a county and Warrington would be a town in that county. I know its confusing but normally if its in England they will just say United Kingdom. hope this helps

  4. You are very confused - to start with, Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom.

    The United Kingdom is Scotland together with England and Wales and was created in 1707.

    In 1805, Great Britian was formed by the addition of Ireland. In 1922, the southern part of Ireland became the Irish Free State, so that these days, "Great Britian" is the union of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

    Warrington is a town in the county of Cheshire, which is one of the counties of England

  5. Cheshire is in England.  The word UK is only ever used on the Internet or by Americans

  6. All the answers above are totally wrong sadly. Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales are NOT countries. To be a country you must have total sovereignity which these four entities obviously lack.

    Here is a useful explaination from

    The United Kingdom is a country that consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In fact, the official name of the country is "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."

    Great Britain is the name of the island northwest of France and east of Ireland that consists of three somewhat autonomous regions: England, Wales and Scotland.

    Therefore, England is part of Great Britain, which is part of the United Kingdom. The U.K. includes England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are not countries but the United Kingdom is. The remaining portion of the island of Ireland (that which is not the U.K.'s Northern Ireland) is an independent country called the Republic of Ireland (Eire).

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