
Please help me with this latin?? 10 points to whoever can help me translate?

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26. Caesar se ob victoriam laudavit hodie.

a. Caesar praised himself on account of the victory today.

b. He praised Caesar on account of the victory today.

c. Caesar was praised by means of the victory today.

d. Caesar praised himself by means of the victory today.

27. Optimos homines non pessimos laudare debemus.

a. The best men, not the worst, ought to be praised.

b. We ought to praise the best men, not the worst.

c. We ought to praise the best man, not the worst.

d. The best man, not the worst, ought to be praised.

28. We shall fight this war as well and as bravely as possible.

a. Hoc bellum quam optimum et quam fortissimum pugnabimus.

b. Hoc bellum quam optime et quam fortissime pugnabimus.

c. Hoc bellum quam optimi et quam fortissimi pugnabimus.

d. Hoc bellum optimum et fortissimum pugnabimus.

29. Marcus semper dixit se ad Romam volaturum esse.

a. Marcus always said that he had flown to Rome.

b. Marcus always said that he would fly to Rome.

c. Marcus always said that he flew to Rome.

d. Marcus always says that he will fly to Rome.

30. The generals led the soldiers to the lower part of Italy.

a. Duces milites ad interiorem partem Italiae duxerunt.

b. Duces milites ad inferiore partem Italiae duxerunt.

c. Duces milites ad inferiorem partem Italiae duxerunt.

d. Duces milites interiore partem Italiae duxerunt.




  1. 26a





  2. I'm sorry that this answer is really bad, but I know that 27 is b. >_<

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