
Please help me with this ?

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my husband and i have been back together for about a year now after seperating because of his cheating on me with a girl ten years younger then him .Well i left him and moved 1000 miles away and he moves down here and we decide to work things out i forgive him and try to move on for the sake of are 3 kids well today some how i jus t happened to stumble acrossed the history on the computer and see he has been on lots of p**n sites i feel upset and betrayed like nothing has changed and want to end our relationship am i overeacting or do i have a reason to call it quits ?




  1. don't get back together then.  

  2. While I do not think that the p**n is a huge issue, I do think you two should go back to being separated. First of all, (and most importantly) staying together for your kids really does nothing for them. Kids know when their parents are having trouble, and in the end it makes it so much worse for them. If you end your relationship, you should live in a close distance from eachother for the kids, but not together. Secondly, if he cheated on you before, chances are he won't hesitate to do it again if you guys are not in a happy relationship. Your kids would not want to you suffer through unhappiness, and you don't deserve it. So do what you need to do for YOU and find a man who will be faithful and make you (and your children) happy!

  3. Well- pron sites and most men are very common. I am not saying its right or that it makes it lest hurtful but it is  common. Most men who have a very strong s*x drive and feel that its not being met by their partner and than they turn to p**n. I think you all need to work out what really happen when you all separate and how his cheating affected you. It seems that everything that he does will always hit a stronger cord because of what happen in your relationship. You will have to probably get some counseling and  decipher your feelings regarding the betrayal and if you can truly move on in your marriage.

  4. Visiting a p**n site is better than cheating on you.

  5. well cheating is one thing

    and watching p**n is another

    watching p**n doesnt mean he is cheating on u

    its just what a lotta guys do and my bf watched p**n all the time n sometimes we even watched it together

    it has nothing to do with u so dont take it personally at all

    however, if its somethign that bothers u , then u shud bring it up with him and ask him what he says

    buh i feel that u wanting to end ur relationship over a p**n website?? that is very childish and immature and yes u wud be over reacting?

    plz think this over again and if u guys are trying to wrk on ur relationship, then this isnt really a big bump in the road

  6. Question: Wouldn't you rather he being looking at p**n or finding another girl to make him happy? I wouldn't worry abou it too much. Could also be you are having second thoughts and are looking for a way out of the relationship?? Do what you feel is right in your head. Good luck!

  7. 1st of all, men watch p**n... men m********e, no man in the world doesn't do this, not a single one... g*y straight black white non, they all jerk it to p**n. Even if you have a normal s*x life, they love p**n, they love jerking off. So that is not a reason for any woman to leave a man. Although having a relationship with someone that actually talks to him back, or sees him, or touches him... thats not normal.

    You never should have gotten back to him after he cheated, that was your mistake, and a cheater never stops cheating, very naive.  

  8. Theres nothing wrong with a moan looking at p**n, he's a man. It seems to me like there is something missing in your marriage. You should dress sexier, give him a reason to want to look at you instead of the p**n. Maybe surprise him with a little role play in the bed room. Spice things up a bit. Maybe he wants a naughty girl. Sometimes when people get married they lose sight of why they fell in love. Be the person you were when you meet him. So what your a mother. Moms can be s**y too. Like me for example Im a M.I.L.F happily married for 8 years. If I get bored I let him know and vice versa then we spice it up. Good luck.

  9. p**n is not cheating. He's home with you. You must decide love him or leave him.

  10. Most men watch p**n regardless of their status. p**n is fun, exciting and sometimes it is good to be selfish and not to have to worry about sastifying your partners needs and just focusing on you.

    The fact that he likes to go p**n sites does not mean he will cheat again or that he does not find you atractive. You should try watching p**n withhim, you might like and it might help your s*x life with him.

    If you hate the fact that he likes p**n, then you should talk to him and ask him to stop looking at p**n (but he will probably will still look behind your back)  

  11. Over pron sites. You are overreacting. He is a man just remeber that. Just be thankful he was not talking to girls online, he was just watching pron. All men watch it, you just caught him. Give him some slack. I think it will be best if you move on because you will ALWAYS have trust issues with this man because he cheated. Once a Cheater Always a Cheater.  Good Luck.  

  12. seems to me your husband has a sexual addiction that needs to be adressed right away. try counseling to see waht the problem is  

  13. That's a tough one.  Personally I wouldn't worry about it.  p**n's really not a big deal to me.  I know that some people are really offended by it though so you need to decide just how badly he's betrayed your trust.  You can't just throw away the relationship when you have 3 kids but I'd never expect someone to stay in a bad relationship either.

    I do have to say though that it was pretty nasty of you to move 1000 miles away with his kids.  Just because you're angry doesn't mean his kids don't love him and he them.

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