
Please help me with this question it is confusing?

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How does traditional agriculture compare with commercail farming?????




  1. Traditional agriculture is commercial agriculture. Just as organic agriculture is commercial agriculture if they are producing a product for sale.  It seems that a lot of activists are using the word commercial agriculture like it was a dirty word.  Like it stands for everything that they feel is wrong with agriculture today.  I can certainly see why you are confused with word commercial, but it simply any agriculture that sells a product.

  2. Traditional farmers are commercial farmers. I think the name commercial farmer was used to mean a old style farmer that increased production to meet the demands of a growing population on land that is shrinking.

    It must be stated that if the switch to more efficient methods were not taken there would be huge shortages instead of the current surplus.

    Some of the so called traditional farmers may have taken more traditional methods to increase production but are then also commercial farmers.

  3. Well it depends on how far you take back traditional.  But I'm assuming it means that when you farmed primarily for your household so you had enough food to make it through the winter.

    As for commercial farming I think they are looking for a bigger system than what was traditionally used.  So your looking at more acreage, more tractors, more labor.

    So the difference would be traditional would be to sustain your family through the winter.  As for commercial farming would be to grow an excess amount of crop to sell.  For example selling more corn for ethanol.

  4. have you tryed serching that in google or somethin like that?

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