
Please help me with your opinions regarding my school reunion.?

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I plan to attend my school reunion in the fall. I live on the other side of the country. I am in a bad financial situation and am worried that someone might find this out. I plan on staying at a cheap motel in the area. What if someone wants to drive me to my hotel? Chances are that this might never happen. However, many of the people that I went to school with are now very affluent and I don't want anyone to know of my situation. Your thoughts, please. Thank you!!!




  1. Why would anyone want to drive you to your hotel unless you ask them to??

    Rent a car and no one has to know where you stay.

  2. They won't know anything you don't tell them.  Your finances are none of anyone's business, so repeat after me, "Thanks for your interest, but I don't care to discuss my finances."

    As for the hotel.  Okay, so you don't rent a car, and now you need a ride back to your motel.  You ask, someone says yes, they drive, you say "thank you" and go to your room.  If this person is ill-mannered enough to talk about "that horrible cheap motel", there's a real easy way to shut them up.  Just say, "Yeah, I know.  That's the last time I book a room off the Internet."  Or  "Yeah, not exactly 5 star.  That's the last time I'll trust somebody on Craig's List for a recommendation!"   and then drop the subject.  If you can give them a throw-away answer that shows you aren't embarrassed, they'll move on to the next topic of gossip.  Just don't let it get to you.

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