
Please help mee with love..??

by  |  earlier

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ok so i need some advice,, heres the story.

i was at netbal training with friends when they decide to set me up with one of their brothers.. who is not the best looking, but i agree to meet him and see what he is like. so we meet one time it was really awkward to start with but we got chatting he made me laugh and get butterflies whenever i saw him and i lost the fact that he wasnt the best looking because i was in love with his personality so much looks couldnt matter. he asked my out and i accepted. we went out for about a month and i know this may sound S****y but i was with my friend she was encouraging me to break up with him i was bored because he was frigit so i broke up with him. its now 2 years later i still see him 2 times a week at netball and i txt him sometimes and you know what i think i really love him. its not like i want to go out with him or anything like that.. i dont want him to be my 'boyfriend', i want so much more,, i want love. the thing is i dont know the way he feels.. i mean,, we are great mates but i dont know if he still thinks of me as more then that.

my old best friend tells me there are sparks and that we will end up together one day for sure and when she teases us for being lovers,, i just act like were mates and laugh about it but inside i want to tell him so much things. i think this is the age where i may start to experience real love and this may be it.

oww i know this may sound immature but i have never felt like this about anyone he still gives me the same butterflies.

the thing is - i dont know if i can tell him because if he doesnt feel the same way it will be so awkward him knowing how i feel and his mum is my coach i will feel strange.

and if he does feel the same then what do we do about it,, like i said,, i dont want to go out with him in the chance to maybe ruin a future together..

he is not the normal type of guy, he is considerate, would NEVER force me to do anything i didnt want to do and he is the perfect guy. he actually has become really attractive to me now.

please i am so confused any advice or help would be greatly appreciated please no mean comments.

extra info;;

i was just txting him this is what happened.

me; so why is alyce* saying we are lovers

him; i duno she sed it to me in the car the other day aswell

me; what did you say back?

him; cant remember.. why are u asking so many questions

me; i dont know i can get it off my mind ,, why wud she think were lovers..??

him;i think your lookin into it too much, just let it go...

would that mean let us go or let what she is saying go.. i just dont know.. what shoud i right back?




  1. I think you have missed your chance, he doesn't sound too keen to me.

  2. who cares if hes a frigit u were one before to thats no reason to dump him and if your friend kinda made you dump him the shes not a real friend i say get back with him because there is a guy out there for everyone and he might be yours

  3. Ok Peppers, why the heck did you let a friend persuade you that this guy wasn't the one for you in the first place, when clearly, the other girls had seen that there could be something special.

    You say he was frigit, (frigid?), blimey I wonder how many young lady's like yourself would complain about a b/f who respected them for who they were, and not something that they have to get inside the pants of and have s*x with.

    Hopefully, you have learnt the lesson that you make life decisions for yourself, and as a real bonus, with a suitable apology about how stupid you were to break up in the first place, possibly because of how different he was from the other guys when the girls had ben telling you about their escapades with s*x.

    It also sounds like Alyce (possibly his sister?) has been doing a bit of stirring here.

    If you really want to have another chance, ask him to meet up somewhere private, where you can sit down and talk everything through, without being disturbed.

    There may be a chance, or possibly too much water has flowed under the bridge, but if nothing else, learn that you make decisions involving you in the future,


    Mike t.

  4. you said "you know what i think i really love him. its not like i want to go out with him or anything like that.. i dont want him to be my 'boyfriend', i want so much more,, i want love."... if its been 2 years since you were together are you sure you want to go back after all there must of been other reasons behind you 2 splitting in the first place..hey there are lots of normal caring honest considerate guys out there not all of us are players...maybe to shy to make the first move...maybe think na she is out of my league..good comunication helps tho,sitting down talking being open and genuine honest with how you feel..time will tell you if its meant to,be things will work if this guy is as good as you say he will respect who you are and listen when you need him to but you both have to want to...want the same things...good luck  hey...

  5. as a guy i have to tell you to tell him exactly what  you feel. I hate it when girls do this kinda thing, its like playin head games or something. I think girls overthink everything n that can end up to ruining what they had, you got to remember guys dont think that much

  6. The last bit meant to let go of what she is saying, he must be bothered by it as well, but you made a BIG mistake, I don't know how to stress it enough, but never let your friend convince you to break up with a guy, you were in love with him and you too had a good thing going, but it's all messed up now, time to move on from the past and make a better future for you and this guy.

    Talk to him, tell him whats going on, and that you want to pursue another relationship with him. Make things right. Good luck :)

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