
Please help moms! My house is a mess and I need tips for organizing!?

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I am a sahm and I don't know what is wrong with me these days. I only have one baby who is 9 months, but my house is a disaster! Not un-sanitary, but cluttered!! I don't know if I am just lazy or tired but there needs to be a change! I'm sick of being a wreck when people 'stop by'I need some kind of 'Routine' to follow on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. I have a 3 bedroom older 1920's home. We have one bathroom and a basement. Its a two story house. Older homes don't have the best layout for things and I feel that the living room is a disaster area filled with toys, laundry, papers etc. My dining room table is covered in mail, my bathroom has towels on the floor and my bedroom is a nightmare. You can't even see the floor and my basement is filled with laundry that needs to be done =( Help!! Just give me a list of what you do or what I need to be doing on a daily basis and weekly etc...also what is your morning routine? thanks so much!




  1. I start a load of laundry then work on another job for 1/2 an hour then switch the load over to the dryer and go finish the second job after dropping a 2nd load in the washer

  2. I used to be in your shoes.... it's just being lazy (well it was for me.) Sometimes being a mom is draining let alone being the maid, cook, and secretary! Trust me once you get it done... it's liberating, and feels great! My laundry was the same way our basement is unfinished but we have a laundry shoot so everyone throws their clothes down there. However (this is lame to people I'm sure) but when spring came so did spiders, I saw a HUGE spider when i was sorting clothes, after that I refused to go down there, I am completely TERRIFIED of spiders. So what i did is I bagged it all up and went to the laundry mat. It did take all day and this is the sad part it was 26 loads! I came home and started putting it all away and swore I would NEVER let the clothes get like that again. The next day I just sucked it up and went room to room cleaning.... seriously cleaning, I put my ipod on and just went to town! My husband was beyond shocked, I mean it was just clutter everywhere and when he came home I think he thought he was in the wrong house. The same week we rented a heavy duty carpet cleaner, so now the carpets are done and I bleached the base boards when we did that. I kinda have an obsessive compulsive mind and now I'm addicted to cleaning... I vacuum twice a day and everything. At any given time there's only one load of laundry down stairs. Turns out when your laundry is done spiders have no where to hide! Once you put in the initial HARD work... it only takes about and hour to an hour and a half every day to stay on top of it. And it feels great. Like i said my husband was elated, he even let me hire someone to paint the interior of the house, so now everything is fresh, crisp and clean. I don't worry if someone is going to "pop in" and me start making excuses for the way the house looks. You can email me if you have questions I'm more than happy to help because really it frees up so much more time and you just feel at peace in your home.... not regret when you walk in the door.

  3. Check out I know how you feel, I was there too, and her system helped me sooo much! I have simple morning and evening routines, chores are broken up into 15 minute chunks with the timer, and I have a plan! Here's a link:

    Explore her site. Try her system, it really works! You don't have to do everything all at one time, just do what you can.

    Good luck!

  4. I was in the same position. Only I have 3 kids ages 6,9,13. So yeah I know what clutter is. LOL.The best thing I have learned to get you an edge on the next days cleaning is make sure you clean your kitchen the night before. Instead of leaving the dishes till morning go ahead an clean them. I listed a website that is perfect to get you started.Good luck:)

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