
Please help! moterway worry?

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hi i have got a 3 hour drive on a moterway in 3 days time and i am really worried as i have never been on one b4, are they that bad? or am i worrying about nothing.




  1. ...and when you feel anxious or need a break then pull off on the shoulder carefully. Use the rest stops.

    You'll be fine.

    The Muse

  2. Motorways are easier to drive on than normal roads, just remember to keep your wits about you (and always check your mirrors before you change lane) and you'll be fine!

    Also, you should be in the left-hand lane unless overtaking (although you'll probably constantly be in the middle lane as there are normally lots of trucks on the left during the day.)

  3. I remember the first time I rode on a motorway I was scared stiff too - but it really will be fine!

    Take it easy to start off with - remember to look in your mirror AND your blind spot before you change lane.

    Try and travel out of rush hour times (6.30 - 10am) (4 - 6.30pm)

    And the first answer is right - as long as you check your mirrors and blind spot they are MUCH MUCH easier than normal roads!

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