
Please help my, my older brother danny joined the british army and his girlfriend wont stop being angry..?

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Please help my, my older brother danny is from nottingham uk and so am i, Normally danny lets me go with them wherever they go,

Yesterday, we got a call from the army saying that they accepted danny, when his girlfriend anna heard the message,Danny was sitting out on the front porch and Anna kept saying "tell me you didn't do it, PLEASE TELL ME YOU DID DO IT OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, You're leaving us tell me you didnt do it!" She slapped him and kept crying saying "Whyd you do it? WHy are you leaving me and anya,? Danny tried to comfort her and trying to tell her but instead she kept avoiding him and danny got tired of it, he started yelling "WHY DONT YOU UNDERSTAND, WHY DONT YOU UNDERSTAND, I DID THIS FOR US, DID THIS FOR US! AT LEAST MOST PEOPLE LIKE YOU UNDERSTAND, THIS WAS SUPPOSE TO MAKE IT EASIER, I THOUGHT AT LEAST YOU'D BE PROUD OF ME."

Danny hasnt left yet, but he will in 3 hours, Danny was talking to me this morning how he wont be back for months, He was crying but he was hiding it, he didnt want me to say anything.

As for anna how do i make her happy again? Anna keeps crying and she wont stop yelling and wailing when she sees danny..

Danny was planning on marrying her a few months later when he comes home...

All i need to know is how do i cheer up my big brother and anna?




  1. nothing, if the person's mind does not accept reasons, nothing u can

    do... she was hyterical because of fear... of so many things.

    i don't agree w/ that actuation, this poor guy who is willing to sacrifice

    his life, for the sake of family will be just treated like that???

    tell her , she should change her attitude immediately, she shld be the first to give courage and support!!!  rather than being hyterical...

    she will really regret if she did not... she will always be guilty... if she did not..

    only her can cheer up herself..

  2. She should be happy he is serving his country and doing something that makes him happy...He might want to think twice about marrying her

  3. Clearly, communications between Anna and Danny have broken down, and whilst they are in a relationship, she does not own him.

    As for yourself, you have been left stuck in the middle to try and act as a peacemaker, which is totally unfair on you.

    Anna should realise Danny has made a step forward in his life, and committed himself to a career that can be long lasting, and make her proud of him.

    I would imagine that Anna is thinking more of the danger side, but danny will have to do all his basic training before he gets anywhere near that, and depending which regiment he joins and where they are posted, will determine that.

    Relationships with forces personnel can be hard, even for married couples, and whilst there are M. Q.'s ( married quarters) a lot depends upon availability and postings.

    Unfortunately, from what you write, this is going to be one heck of a strain, for all of you.

    Mike t.

  4. Just support them through it. I have two brothers in the army and it's tough. The initial training is horrid and the first posting is devastating but you have to see it from his point of view. He is doing something he believes in and wants his family to be proud of his choices. There's plenty of good army family sites out there. I'd encourage his girlfriend to meet with some of the army wives and families. Being a part of the army is not all doom and gloom, it's like being part of a respected community. Good luck and I hope he stays safe :)

  5. You can't.  I know the situation is unbearable, but there is nothing you can do to fix their feelings.  Instead, be available when they want to talk, but otherwise don't interfere.  Don't forget to take care of your own feelings!  Having your brother join the military is a stressful thing too!

  6. Im sorry to hear that, All the answers above me are great, i would go with mike t's advice to you, he right about anna, she doesnt own him.

    Where are your parents in this?

  7. That is soooo romantic!!! I honestly dont know. That is sooo romantic though.

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