
Please help! my bf wants to spend alone time with her! is this right?

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my bf made a new female friend at work. i hate it and it has caused a lot o f problems. We are not having the best time right now and it just makes finding someone new worse.

We all live in different towns. she lives in the first one, i live in the middle one and he lives further past me. She wants to go to church with him on sunday and he said he would drive all the way to pick her up. I told him i want to go and be picked up too and he said he would get me on the way back! If im his woman doesnt it make since for him to pick me up first!?!?! How do i explain this to him?





  2. If had any respect for you and was mature enough, he would realize that its disrespectful and embarassing to you to be running around with this new "friend". People just dont do that. If your feelings about this dont mean anything to him, it might be time to end the relationship and take some time to find a more mature person to be with...good luck, I know things like this can hurt...dont let him bring you down.

  3. Girl he should and better pick you up first have you ever met this girl? There is no woman that's going to be picked up before me even if she lives next door I've been there and done that situation and I got cheated on and I don't trust no females what so ever people are just wrong and sometimes cannot get their hormones under control if people are left in a situation where things can happen they will try explaining this to your boyfriend and no people I am not insecure this is just life

  4. well sumting sounds really shady with this 1.....if he has to pass ur house to pick her up y not pick u up on the way....i see ur point .....if i were you i would be suspicous too...start ur investigating honey.. and dont confront him until u av enuff proof..sumting ain rite

  5. If he is really committed to you and really just wants you then none of this would be a thought in his head. I say tell him exactly how it all makes you feel without yelling, that's every important, no yelling, and if he doesn't care then he just isn't worth your time.

  6. sounds like he might careful!!!!!!!

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