
Please help my family

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My grandfather is really sick with untreatable cancer he is on an experimental drug, and my mom is really sad about it. the real problem is that my little brother keeps on acting up and yelling and being a total jerk to everyone, especially my mom and she is getting really stressed and tired. Is there anything I can do to help?




  1. You didn't say how old your little brother is and my age would be a factor in answering this question.

    If he is 4 and under, you could take him outside to play and have lunch outside.  When he came back inside, it would be time for his nap.

    If he is 5 and older, he needs to be aware of

    his grandfather's condition and let him know how tired his mother is.  He should also be told that yelling and running inside the house is not acceptable behavior.  If he wants to yell and run then he must go outside to do it.

    If he does it again, he needs to be punished.  Take him outside and get a keen switch and switch his legs.  He won't forget again.

    He should have learned to respect his elders before this age and about helping sick people not making them worse.

    I know what age a child can understand and control his or her self.  I have a grandson who is 6, a granddaughter  who is 5 and a grandson who is 3.  The 6 and 5 year olds can understand right from wrong and have learned respect.  The three year old is learning but he gets so excited that he forgets and will yell and run in the house.  

  2. There is something you can do:  Talk to your family (especially your mom) about getting some counseling/help for your little brother.  Usually young children have a hard time dealing with very emotional things and your grandfather being ill may have stirred up some feelings that your brother doesn't know how to interpret or let out.  Also, if everyones attention is on your grandfather your brother may feel as though he's being left out.  Children at young ages sometimes don't understand these things.

    If your mom/family can't help you with this the next best thing is to talk to a school counselor and let them know what is happening.  They can point you in the right direction for help.

    Good luck and I wish your Grandfather the best.

  3. well, one thing you can do is act extremely serious (as you should anyway) and confront your brother and tell him about all the problems everyone is going through and everyone doesnt need him to bring people down. do it sternly, but not mean.

  4. how old is your lil brother? if he is old enough to understand what your mother is going through then talk to him.. if hes a tot then they will act up regardless..  

  5. Just being there will help her.  My grandmother had cancer and it was hard on my dad.  I offered to babysit whenever my parents had a function to go to, or doctor's appointments with my grandma.  Help out with things around the house without being asked.  Ask your mom if there is anything she needs or wants you to do.  She will just appreciate you even taking the time to ask.  Also make sure you tell her how much you love her and appreciate everything she does for you.  8 year olds are not going to be much help, maybe if you sat down and tried to talk to your brother, treat him like he is a big kid.  They really like that, tell him how mom is upset about grandpa and that you want to do nice things to try to make her feel better.  Some times that will do the trick, it won't work all the time but you will be suprised how much they like being treated like a big kid.
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