
Please help my fish is acting strange!?

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I have a blue oranda that is acting very strange, I have the orb tank wit the volcano in it.. there other day i lost the fish and when i lifted the volcano he/she was under there.. i don't know how long for but then it started swimming around fine.. later that day it looked like it had rammed its head under a toy at the bottom and wasn't moving, i thought it was dead and so went to scoop it out, again it started swimming. This went on a few more times over the last few days, this morning i woke and it was just lay at the bottom not moving, again thinking it was dead i went to scoop it out but it started swimming again.

I have moved it into a goldfish bowl just in case he infects my other fish but he looks healthy. He still is just lying on the bottom, I'm not sure if he looks bloated or if i am looking for an explanation. When i touch him he swims for a few Min's and comes up to eat, has a rummage around the bowl and then goes back to the bottom motionless..when at the bottom he then rolls onto his side.

I'm soo sad i cant stop watching him.. Is he going to be ok??




  1. Well if she was hiding that can be a sign of illness and should have got you worried a little. I hope you let her adjust to the temperature of the fish bowl and didn't just plop her in, that can cause shock and make things worse. I would get a general antibiotic like Maracyn Two or Melafix and put that in. If you are really worried I would go to

    Join and post on their 911 forum, make sure to answer all the questions they have at the top of the page. They will be able to help you.  

  2. Many fancy goldfish are poor swimmers and can get stuck in ornaments, plastic plants and rock formations.  If you keep orandas, ryukins, bubble eyes, telescopes, celestials or lion heads, it would be safer to remove all  obstacles from the tank.  You can get a plant background or other colorful backgrown to give them a sense of security without adding a hazard to the inside of the tank.  

    As for your blue oranda, keep him in the hospital bowl and just give him the best care you can.  He needs intensive care if he is to get better.  I would say he has less than a 10% chance of survival so don't get your hopes up but don't give up either.  I've seen miracles happen when someone really cares for their fish.

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