
Please help my husband and me?

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My husband was recently readmitted to a mental asylum for bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and a few other things. He has been there before, but managed to escape somehow (he's crafty), so they have him in the section that is watched nonstop. I know they are all always watched, but you know what I mean, right? I'm going to see him soon, and he does not know what to expect because he's never had to take so much medication at the same time and does not remember the last time he was there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thaanks and God bless.




  1. Hello everyone,i am here to testify on how DR John helped me. March 2014, I saw a post on a particular site sharing testimony on how the great spell caster brought back her ex. Initially,i thought the post is unreal but i later had a second thought and i contacted the spell caster as instructed by the post. I have no option than to try my best because my husband left me with my three kids for another woman after a minor misunderstanding. Me and my husband got married over six years and we lived so happily. At a certain time my husband started behaving strange to me after we had a minor misunderstanding of which i begged for forgiveness. Before i knew what was going on, he left me and go for another woman who works in the same office with him. When i saw the post, i contacted the spell caster on his email and he told me not to worry that my husband will come back to me in two days time once he finish casting the reunite spell on him. To my greatest surprise, my husband came back to me begging for a second chance after a maximum days of five back and we are living happily together as one family again. I want to use this medium to let everyone here know that this is real and if you are out there having this same problem please kindly contact Dr. John, the great spell caster via his email { PROPHETBAZ34@YAHOO.COM } Or you call him on +2347053839123 because he can do the unexpected.

    Wish you all the Best too!

  2. Well as you said he is on a lot of meds. Right now they are trying to keep him calm and get his meds adjusted. It is very common when a person is in the hospital to be over sedated, They want him to be able to rest and to clear his head.

    The last time I was admitted they did the same to me. I still to this day only remember a few hours of a few days. The rest is a blur. My therapist told me it is for our safety and so we can rest. Having a bad episode take a lot out of a person.

    The whole idea of his stay is to keep him calm. He might even feel so good that he''ll want to leave. I guess that's why he escaped before.

    Depending on why he was in there the might have him on a 72 hour hold. If that's the case he made need to go in front of a few staff members and talk to them so he can show them he is stable enough to leave. I'm not sure if this handled the same in every state but I pretty sure that they are similar in the laws and rules.

    If they feel he's not ready they can keep him longer. I would think they will tell you since your his wife. Just remember it's all about keeping him safe.

    The rule they go by is, if someone is a danger to themselves or someone else, they will keep you in. You can and they should have giving him a list of all the laws.

    When he will be released, I'm sure you know already, he will be giving a follow up pdoc appt. and rx of meds.

    I wish the both of you all the best.

    Feel free to email me anytime.

    Take care and never give up!

  3. Hi kat,

    I'm very sorry to hear about your husband's illness. I know how stressful it can be for the relatives too. My mother is now deceased but she had schizophrenia. My brother has it too. Why not take him something he really likes? If they'll allow you to bring anything, take him a favourite food that you like to make. Or something else that's special to him. And just be there for him. Don't expect too much from him if he's heavily medicated. He might even want to sleep. Anti-psychotic medication are heavy tranquilizers and they make people very sleepy, so don't take it personally if he doesn't seem really happy to see you.

    God Bless You and keep you and your husband in his tender care.

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