
Please help my mother stole my college fund to do LAUNDRY!!?

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She stole most of the big dollars to do laundry she said (im 13) I had recently began to make money for myself and i put it away to save for college and another half to aid my athletic career.Well she stole the college fund and stole most of it (about 5 bucks like i said i just recently begun it i had about 30 bucks but most was in change just in case someone looked at it and decided it wasn't worth cashing in) so she took most the quarters and dollars that she could see off hand (some were hidden) This morning when i asked her where she got those quarters from she lied to me and said she got them of my grandads dresser.But later that day i was adding another 15 bucks to my savings and i found that the bigger quantity things like dollars and quarters here gone i knew she took them.She says she aint paying me 5dollars back only 1.75 and that i better not yell at her about it anymore. She has stolen from me before and never paid back ive had enough i will sue next time.Is this wrong?




  1. Sounds like your mom is tight for cash.  Maybe you could offer to help her with it.  If you do not trust your mother ask your grandad to take you to the bank and open an account.  Dont keep much $$ in the house.  Hide it best you can.  Take to bank quick.  

    Don't sue your mom.

  2. well she is part of your family and family's need to help each other. i agree if she did take it she should pay you back full price but you still have a lot of time to earn money. hide your money somewhere no one can find it so only you know where it is. that way there is less of a chance someone could take some from it. hope this helps!

  3. put your money in a safer place and you won't have to deal with a theif, if that's what you want us to say.

  4. I feel you completely! My mother has taken hundreds of dollars from me over the years and wont admit to it or pay me back. When I was 8, she went into my piggy bank and took the $200 I had gotten from all my family members for my birthday. When I found out, and told her about it, she twisted it around to say that I took the money from her drawer and that as punishment, she spent it on shoes for HERSELF. I did no such thing.

    But anyway, the only thing you can really do is hide the money really well. Have one of your adult relatives go with you to the bank and open a savings account and make deposits without her knowing. I had to do that. Give the cash to a relative and have THEM make the deposit for you without telling your mom. And/or lie about what you have if/ when she asks. I live by myself now but I still have to do that because my mom is nosy and the biggest mooch you will ever meet. Lies and deception are really the only way to hide something from her. She is your mother and your business is her business too so I suggest doing everything you can to keep her out of it.

    Oh and btw, if she ever asks to borrow money- say you dont have any. The hundreds of dollars my mom owes me is from mostly borrowed money she has no intention of ever paying back. If I remind her about it, she says I have an attitude and am micromanaging her and as a result of my inquisitiveness- I wont get my money back. Or she tells me that she never borrowed the money in the first place and Im just trying to be an extortionist. choose your words carefully

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