
Please help! need to reduce 2 mile time?

by  |  earlier

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I am a varsity soccer player and have been on varsity for 2 years. I've always been a slower runner (usually between 8 and 9 minute mile fastest ever was just under 8) and I need to make a 16:00 2 mile when tryouts start next september. Last year I didn't train at all over the summer and got like 20 minutes and my freshman year when i did a little running before hand i got like 18:40. Could anyone help me make up a plan so i can get my time down? I have from the first week in june to the first week in september.

Thanks in advance!




  1. it takes commitment and dedication. you're going to have to work hard over the summer to acheive your goals.

    running around a track can be really boring and make you think about it too much.

    listen to your iPod and take a run at a park or around town. it will make the time go by faster, and you'll have run two miles before you know it.

    you have to stick with it. trust me, the more you run, the easier it gets. by fall time you'll be much under 16 minutes.

    good luck!! =)

  2. start running a month before the race try running 5 times a week

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