
Please help needed Urgency?

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Well here it comes, there's a 20 years old girl i know who's in love with her cousin and that is too much wrong. She's in love with him for over 2 years and that needs to be stopped cuz if they have kids their kids will be 75% have medical conditions. How can we help her leave him if she doesn't want to?

please help!!!! it's urgence!!!




  1. if she loves him, you can't "help" her realize anything.  i'm assuming that this is her 1st cousin?  if so, she must come to realize that she cannot marry this person legally in our country.  she needs to find a way to extricate herself from this one way or another.  i would let her realize this herself though.  i'm sure that she has some interesting family reunions though.

  2. One, your numbers are way off. The real percentage is way smaller. The chance for two alleles to be identical between cousins is 6.25%; that's counting ALL alleles, not just the ones factored in when it comes to medical abnormalities and genetic diseases. 75% is a gross miscalculation.

    Two, admit that you're only against this because you think incest is gross. Here's a hint: it really isn't your business, it's hers.

    Three, most laws against incest don't even target cousins, and the few that do target first cousins. If the guy is a second cousin or even more removed, there is literally nothing stopping them except the social taboo.

  3. like they say "if they dont ask for help dont give it to them"live that sitiuation alone and let god deal with it

  4. Don't fret!

    She is only 20. It is not even likely that they will have kids. Sometimes they said that cousins were ideal for first love. That was in times when social contacts were scarcer. But it is really rarely they end up in a marriage. The Catholic churc can allow it with a special permission from pope. I don't know about other religions. But I think you got some exagerrated reports about medical risks for their progeny. Go ask a geneticist and most likely you will get an answer that human genome is so complex it will need a reries of many generations of interrelatives weddings to produce such a risk.

  5. in the us it is legal or right to have digs on ur cousins... hahaha...

    given so few variables i will conduct my hypothesis on a scattered  way and hope it helps...

    well anyway her mentality is twisted by that fact manly because she has low self esteem issues that she thought she doesn't have the right to be with somebody because:

    a) she thinks shes ugly and her cousin is the only living being who accepts her(physically, mentally emotionally the likes?)

    b) you got scumbags on your neighborhood and she thinks that her cousin is the best of those scumbags, no better man in there alive? omg

    c) she is a twisted woman and her parents didn't taught her moral values whatsover, and she got her rolemodel to be her cousin because nobody pays attention to her.. getting my drift?

    and d) is i think you got no solution for, she got the digs for her cousin because it is her fetish so to speak, some people are gross and i don't want to point any fingers, i just want to clarify that. if it is just a teenager mood swing to take chances with the curiosity and all then you might take her back to the light but if she is really that twisted then  you cant do any thing about is...

    the solution for a) is to grab her closest friend  and have them talk one on one about her situation. getting all the family intervention might block her psyche about the events and would eventually close her mind so try for the bff stuff first. try to uplift her personality and trying to say that she is more than that or some cheesy stuff...

    b) well get her out of there! try to seperate them apart and try to have family intervention warming up

    c)ah.. the classic "its your fault attitude" sometimes i cry myself laughing but hey it happens to people, her intellectual capacity for her age at c) is crucial because if she doesn't understand logic then go with the one on one talk but if shes old enough try bringing her strength in numbers. after that relocating her and having her something to do for awhile to take her mind off will do her good.

    there you go! i think there are many more possibilities but with your limited variables and the limit of this page before it becomes boring to read i think it is enough. psychological help will also be needed if things can go rough but please do it gently cause you don't know what wil happen. and try to talk to the cousin to. explain why this is soooo so wrong! hope it helps (^_^).v,,

  6. actually there has been no proof found of medical problems related to cousins marrying


    but seriously id like to hear Jerry Springers Final thoughts on this

    Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!  

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