
Please help-new driver?

by  |  earlier

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i am going to take my permit test on monday and i am kinda freaked. is there anything special i should know, any tips? thankz, this will help alot............




  1. Hey darlin,  first of all take a deep breath,  now b4 you take the test close your eyes and take 3 more and calm down, I'm sure you'll do fine.  just think about turn signals b4 you turn they will tell ya to turn up here and when you see the turn then put on your signal.  that is just about enough distance and always check your mirrors while you are driving.  pay attention to the speed.  under or on is always better than over and for parallel parking it will probably be in the parking lot. just pull up past the cones and put it in reverse and start turning the wheel when your back tires get to the cone which will be in front ofthe car when you are parked. the written part is quite easy especially if you have time to scan the book right b4 you go.    and GOOD LUCK!

  2. The main thing to remember is to relax and have confidence. Being afraid will cause you to make the stupidest mistakes. GOOD LUCK.

  3. leave these items at home.

    1) your cell phone

    2) your make-up

    3) your purse

    4) your sunglasses

    5) any cd's/tapes

    forget you have a radio

    be calm, good luck

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