
Please help-no one answered before. i want to get out of here.

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I do not what to do. I have lived in the same place all my life and I am getting so tired of it. I have many good friends but have never had a best friends or a boyfriend I can talk about anything to. I am going to be a sophmore and I just want to get out of here. There is nothing to do and I am constantly sad because of not having a best friend and I would just like to start over. I think this is getting to rambling, if you can't understand I will try again later. I went to camp in July and I just loved being away and I don't know what I will do just sitting around all of August. I have friends thats not the problem..I don't know what the problem school is not challenging at all and just everyone here is not good to me and doesn't respect me enough! my parents don't want to move until i am out of high school i just can't take it anymore! i just want to someone to make me feel better so any advice is appreciated. i had to make a new email account so my friends wouldn't read this. i live in a small town, 200 in a grade...




  1. wow, i can't say i know exactly how you're feeling, but i think i felt the same way just bout two weeks ago.. all summer it sucked, i don't know why, i had people to hang out w., i just didn't want to, but i still just laid in my bed just so sad, feeling like i wanted to cry.. i just didn't have anyone close enough to make me feel fulfilled. but then i found my boyfriend, and he was there to fulfill me.

    i think maybe you should find someone who can give you that excitement or feeling like you belong there. i don't know if this helps, bc i don't know exactly how you feel.. but all i know is he gave me a whole different mood after i started really talking to him bout everything and seeing him a lot.. i haven't felt alone and trapped/stucked in one place.

  2.   You need to calm down and regroup.You said you have friends but no one your close to,it may be that your pushing them away. Pick one friend that you are closest to and plan to do something alone with that person and find out what you really have in common.You could also look into taking a class at a local college or park district,something like music art or welding(just kidding) (wait a minute no I'm not) anything that will put you in touch with other people and keep you interested.

       You also have to realize your parents can't just pick up and move because your lonely,they have lives of thier own and responabilities toyou and each other.

       Every generation,....E V E R Y...generation goes though the same problems that you or your friends are going though now,nad your children will go though troubles and think you don't know what they're going through. Life is a circle,it always come around again.

       You sound like a bright one turn on your light,everything will be cool.  

  3. yeah I feel that way too

    gotta go! but where? and how?

    I am going to give you some answers from the lessons I learned ok?

    first of all if you don't first find within yourself what you seek from another your not likely to find it.

    let me be specific

    if you want a best friend BE a best friend

    the nothing to do thing, you got computer so use it!

    find out what is most interesting to you and look for ways to bring it to you talk to your parents about helping you

    look at this as a long term thing ok?

    your going into 10th grade? so three years until you graduate right?

    make it happen! in three years you are going to want to get the h**l outta Dodge right?

    but your going to need a way to do it like money and a car maybe a good job prospect or collage!

    you need to direct your energy and time into your goals

    if you take a proactive stance then you are in control of your destiny

    if you mope then you are playing into the victim role and sweetie thats just not good it get's nothing done.

    so don't sit around all August get a book and read about something you want to know about how about a place you might like to live?

    or start searching for the kind of job you would like to see yourself doing in three years?

    plan for your life the life you want to live!

    at 18 and graduated you can be ready for what ever you want!

    the boyfriend thing will happen too just make sure he is good to you.

    you don't need any heartache.

    I think you might talk to your parents about another camp or go-away

    tell them how board you are and really let them now how important it is to you like your skin is going to bust if you think you have to be like a wad of someones chewing gum on the sidewalk in the sun!

    but basically try to help yourself, get started on some thing that will be exciting and help you for the future.

    plan! especially if your school is not challenging you! seek more from other sources study on-line how can you parents be against furthering your education?

    and it get's you set up for a good future! it's only three years until you graduate!

    although the way your feeling that will seem like half of forever! right?

    listen,life on the other side of 18 really does get better!

    find something you love to do or want to try doing then look into studying it! they say if your job is doing what you love it doesn't feel like work AND you get payed for it!

    I do two jobs like that and they are both very rewarding!

    and I was not so lucky to have an education I learned after I was 18

    I know your feeling bad now and I really know how that feels but I hope you take action and choose to build the life you want. it really will pay off and you can be happy and excited along the way knowing you are making a life for yourself that you can be proud of.

    make happiness don't expect it to fall upon you.

    you need you strength and your courage you have your smarts now make it happen girl!

    p.s. ask about student exchange programs!

    they don't have to be out of the country!

    but maybe that will help?

    I saw recently 4-H exchange student and they were coming from Massachusetts to Iowa! so find out about that maybe?

    but good luck, the luck you make! Em

  4. Trust me hun, it does get better.  I was from a small town, going through life waiting for "something" to happen.  I had friends, but i felt like a face in a croud that noone really ever noticed, not entirely depressed, but not knowing how to be happy.  I even moved to a new state after high school, but that really didn't solve anything.  Then one day it was like a light came on in my head, I realized that "something" was happening all around me, and only I could make me happy.  I started talking, just talking to anyone and everyone, yep you've seen my type, those ppl who strike up conversations at the gas pumps or in line at Wal Mart.  It's really funny, but it seems to make other ppl happy to feel noticed even if it is by a complete stranger, and ppl "know me" even if they will never know my name, they see me out and smile and wave.  I find the most joy in some of the smallest stupidest things like my son using the potty, or my daughters obnoxiously wonderful laugh, or finding a new delicious ice cream, or reading a retarded email that I will undoubtedly share with the next fortunate soul who gets stuck behind me at the grocery store.

    Just remember that school is practice and anything that happens is a life experience that prepares you for everything else.

    Blessed be and best wishes.

  5. Maybe you could try going to your parents about this and ask if you can go live with a family member for some time. In another state, or city, so you can get some fresh air and see the world. Living somewhere else for some time gives you a great perspective on who you are.

    Good luck!


  6. Getting out into the world isn't a bad idea. College is the easiest way.

    If you want to start a fund raiser (like the person before me suggested), want to start one to prevent me from beng evicted? Lol.

  7. I have had that problem before. Poor thing, you're bored to tears! Try doing something no one else has done...maybe organize a fund raiser and donate the money to hurricane victims, or ask your parents if you can have some friends over and have a scavenger hunt. Close your eyes and think of what you love to do the most, then use that to find something fun, exciting, interesting, and time consuming to do! School will be back in before you know it!

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