
Please help nothing is working. We've seen 7 diff Dr's some say my son is Autistic an others say Aspergers

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Ok my son is 8 and for the last few years he has had big fits that last for hours and then he just stops like nothing happened. He gets so upset that he wont stop fixating over it and he will bang his head or pull his hair. He also gets deep into something an he just goes #1 an #2 in his pants and not even notice he did. He has a hard time with people and in school and he has no since of feeling except anger and all he does s get into these long loud crying spells and he does not feel sad or other feelings like most kids. Dr's say he is Autistic and Aspergers but from what I have read they don't do what he does. So does anyone no what else it could be cuz nothing is working we have tried meds, treatment I'm at the point were I feel he may need real help cuz nothing has worked for 4 years. And I live in Montana so we don't have the best of Dr's for this kind of stuff. So if you can help that would be great thank you.




  1. Sounds like autism to me. I work with lower functioning teenagers with autism, and some of them do what you descried. But usely the child is dianosed at 2-3 years old. You must as your self has he always been this way or is this something new. It just might be something else.   Is the a lage university where you like. Most of our students are tested at UCLA. You might try this web site they may beable to help you find some answers. Also try to find a Regional Center you cand probley google it. They help and support families with children with special needs.

    Aspergers is a form of autism, just higher functioning. Autism is a spectrim disorder. So you get highs and lows.

    Hope you find an answer soon and good luck.

  2. Asperger's is a form of autism and he does sound like he is autisic. If Dr's that you have gone to have said this, it is probably true. There isn't a quick fix.

  3. a child psychotherapist did testing on my aspie daughter.  then a developmental ped confirmed.

    If there is a Children's Hospital that you can go to - that would be your best bet.

    Good luck - I know how frustrating it is.

  4. Unfortunatly your screwed if you rely on docs or shrinks you may find a good one butwhat you have been thru to date is universal world wide the best bet is to put an ad in your local paper for other parents in simalar situation the numers of kids like ours is growing at a huge rate due to the immunisation programs and other enviromental factors and the docs are swamped with some thing they dont understand either its a sensory thing and there is a huge varity of ways to see the problems it creates I wont say symptoms is not a disease the anger comes from with in them being frustrated to h**l with things not going the way they know they should just like when you see something at the shops you need to buy pick it up and when you get to the check out its something entirerly different and you berate yourself doing it our kids go thru it many times aday but dont know how to deal with the stress as well so they act out so we see them and will do some thing help and the cycle starts all over again you will find ways to deal wit it it just hard  hang in there thats were the parenting groups help and try to ONLY have a whole nutrual food deit free of preservitves and chemicals see a homeopth can be useful to

    .take care and keep smiling they are a chalange but still the best thing in the world.

  5. Hun to be honest doesn't sound like autism, my twin son Thomas has autism he was three when he was diagnosed with ASD he is 10 now non verbal and still in nappies, from what you say here your right i have not had this problem with Thomas or have seen it with any other child with autism that has these problems .. sounds like behavoural problems but not due to autism, does he have another autism traits ?

    Like no eye contact, lack of speech, hand flapping ..

    Sorry i couldnt help more  

  6. Both autism and Asperger syndrome are on the autistic spectrum so both conditions are similar in some ways. You need to see a good clinical psychologist to get your son a proper diagnosis. Once you have got a diagnosis and know exactly where your son is on the spectrum you can get him the help and support he needs. Good luck.

  7. Has the school done an evaluation yet?  A school evaluation will get at what the concerns are in school and how best can he be helped - many strategies will be the same regardless what the diagnosis is.

    I will also tell you that 'sometimes' there are several issues that may be at play here.  It is NOT unusual for several things to be present at the same time - it is not unusual as a student develops that behaviors may present differently.  There are sometimes Mental Health issues that are with Autism and Aspergers and sometimes Mental Health issues LOOK like Autism and Aspergers.

    That said -

    1 - get a school eval as soon as school starts.

    2 - Look for a Competent Psychiatrist (only one that can sort out the MH and ASD ish stuff.)

    3 - Go to

    they may have a link to services in your state.

    or directly to this site:

    The 100 day kit is new and there is good information there.

    Good luck

  8. may also consult alternative systems like naturopathty, acupuncture, aurvedic, homeopathy etc.  

  9. It was once told to me "Choose your Physiologist and go with their diagnosis". This was told to my by a friend who's son was diagnosed with Aspergers. Like you something was not right and she dug further. She did these additional test:

    Allergies and food/chemical sensitives - she went to a Homeopathic Dr.

    Sleep issues

    Neuro-physicologist for an educational evaluation (ADD, ADHD, and or processing disorders)

    physiologist - Physiologist


    Most dignosis can just be a process of elimintation as symptons can fall into more that one area. With that said it sound like your gutt feeling is that something just not right with the dignoses and it could be something besides Atisumn or Aspergers.  You must always follow your gut.

    My friend's child went from Aspergers to -

    ADHD with oppositional defiance disorder, food / chemical allergies, vision tracking problem and will be testing for sleep disorder in August.

    It is a difficult process but keep at it until you find the right answer.

  10. Here is a web site I use often, my eight year old has PDD-NOS. his will give you info about the disorder and tools to use with the school.

    To find some one in you state that works with  autistic kids check this out

  11. My video can help you:

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