
Please help please!!!!

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my daughter is 15 and i was in her room cleaning this morning and i saw her diary which she mormally keeps locked away. well i read her last entry just to see what was going on in her life because she has now hit a stage in her life where she does not talk to me about anything that goes on in her life... well in the diary is was saying how she wanted to die--- i was so shocked becasue she is always a happy giddy teen... and on the next page it said how she losted her virginity two days ago and that the next day the guy told her he was HIV postive!!!!!!!. when i read that i almost hit the floor i have NO IDEA how to handle this i wanna be mad i wanna scream i just wanna shake her and ask her why did she use protection whay is she having s*x... me and my daughter have talked about s*x many times and i have even took her to a s*x ed class with me, so she knows all about these STD'S and things she should not do... i am pregnant with twins and i dont wanna get to upset but i just dont know what to do??? what do i do??? i want to tell my husband but i dont know how and he will more then likey blow up!!!! i want to ask my daughter about this but i dont want her to know i read her diary and pull away even more because i need answers. please help me, and please no rude answers or bad remarks about my daughter she is not a hoe or s**t she's a very good girl she makes A's and is the captin of cheerleading team so she's just a young girl that made a mistake that she may have to live iwht for ever. ps. i took nursing so i know all about HIV and that scars me more. lord i pray my baby does not have this... and to all this is not a joke i am not a troll i am a real mother in need of real people to help me please!!!!




  1. this has to be addressed, i know she will hate you for reading her diary, but my GOD, you have to sit her down and talk to her about this. and het her tested!!!! i wouldnt tell your husband just yet as that may make the situation worse. good luck x

  2. my god... i can understand your pain i could not imagine.. in this type of situation it's like either way you lose... becasue you have to confront her i would say confront her calmly maybe take her out to lunch and ask her in that type of setting where her reaction can be calm... if you husband would over react i would say dont tell him yet. cause like you say if you confront her wrong there is a chance she will rebel and shut down... that's good that you have taken her to s*x ed classes but you know kids sometimes make bad choices and i know i did as a teen and thankfully i had a good mother to guide me. so you make sure you let all the feeling you are feeling sit in the back coner while you talk to her... i wish you that best this is a very hard situation and i hope you'll keep us updated.. if you need a friend feel free to e mail me

  3. Let me get this straight. Last month you asked a question about how your "13 year old daughter" wanted the LG Shine from At&t. 11 minutes ago you asked this question. So I don't see how this really adds up to your "15 year old, about to be 16" year old daughter.

    Typo on two of your questions? Yeah, I'm sure.

    Bad person? By telling you what is clearly shown on your Y!A page? Oh dear, yes I agree I'm such a bad person.

    I tell you this, Stop having kids if you can't discipline them enough. You obviously have no time to do so or to give them any individual attention.

    And with your details, I'm sure if my daughter was in risk of having HIV I wouldn't be updating my details section everytime someone made a remark I disliked. I would have already taken her to get tested. So be a good mommy for once and take action.

    Like you said, she's human.. She makes mistakes.

    ...But incase this is not another troll, take a look at this link. Eventhough you already know about Std's and hiv you can learn alot more from here and what to do. There should be a number for a place to get tested on that website.

    I apologize. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  4. talk to her ASAP.  Tell her the truth that you read her diary, who cares if she gets mad at you for that.  Have get tested.  You're daugther will be in my prayers.

  5. OMG! My heart just sank. What a dirty idiot that she slept with, selfish s.o.b. You have to talk to her! She is only 15 and who cares if she gets mad you read her diary, you have to take her to the doctor immediately! This disease will ruin her life! I am so sorry!

    Please tell her and force her to the doc! Hurry!

  6. You should not have invaded her privacy by reading her diary, but thank God you did! Dont let her know you read it. Dont ask her about it, dont tell your husband. Try to get closer to her maybe, have another s*x talk. Be friendly about it and in a giddy and playful mood, dont be mommyish about it. Ask her if she has had s*x yet as if you are gossiping. She need to trust you and feel comfortable that you will accept her no matter what. Let her tell you. A teenager saying she wants to die is actually normal, but may be serious in some cases, she needs to be able to feel safe and happy at home, she needs to know she has a family to bak her up. If it doesnt work, or she doesnt take the bait, then tell her you heard from a friend that heard from a friend that she may have been intimate with a boy, if she denies, take her to get tested anyways. If she confesses, ask her if she used protection, and take her to get tested anyways. Just tell her its time for her yearly exam and to get on birth control. You can ask the doctors to do a blood test also and let them know you suspect she may be HIV positive. They will take it from there and are usually very good about getting confessions when parents are not in the room. Don't get too worked up, I am sure everything will be ok, you have to look at the bright side of things no matter how dark they are for those babies!!! You can also try the "you left it out to tempt me" bit, and drag her to the doctors office and get it all done asap. If its quick she will get over it quick, dont make her feel bad about havin s*x though, she will never look at you the same. Just tell her you love her and its for her own good. Make sure things go back to normal at home afterwards, let her be the one to tell your hubby.

  7. ohh im so sorry to hear this. she is a human and humans make mistakes all the time. do you know forsure if she used protection or not, approach her but dont tell her you read her diary, just ask her if she has had s*x yet. and let her know that she can tell you anything at anytime and you wont be upset...just what ever you do dont get upset let her know you are there for her for what ever, and if she doesnt tell you then let it go, you know the truth, let her know that she is at that age where its time for her to see a obgyn for a pap smear, talk to the doc before you go in to see what you can do and the doc will test her for all sorts of stds...well of course you know that. but if shes not ready to tell you dont force it out of her. i prey for her. and good luck to you.

  8. Snap out of it you are the mom go to her tell her that you love her and that you are always there for her and take her right away for some tests .. be supporting as much as you can she needs you now keep the blam for later .. good luck .

  9. Hugs to you first! The next thing you need to do is to sit down with your daughter and apologize to her for snooping and let her know the seriousness of what you have read in her diary. You need to find out FOR SURE if what she wrote in the diary is really the TRUTH. There is no way to get around this probelem without facing it head on and you need to tell her that as well. Have a good talk with her and pray she is honest.
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