
Please help;?

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Hi there..

today at school me and my friend were eating alot and i said i think i have worms (in a jokey way) because, i thought it meant that you get really hungry quickly. And i asked my friend what were worms.. and she said they were like white worms in your poo? And i was like oh my god. because ages ago i found this my nute little white thing.. it looked like it was moving but im not sure.. but that was ages ago.. but i was slightly worried. did that mean i had worms?? should i be worried?




  1. If you had worms, you would not be able to see them. Intestinal worms are massive, and are not minute. What were you doing looking in your own shite anyways???

  2. Intestinal worms in this country are usually small thread worms.   Very, very itchy around the a**s!  Not often connected with eating a lot but can be connected with not washing your hands before eating especially if you have been handling soil - gardening, playing games etc.  common in very young children.

    Tape worms - when they get to be very long can rob you of some nutrients but there would be other signs first.  

    I don't think you have anything to worry about

  3. no if it was along time ago then it could have been something undigested. If you had worms you could very easily see them while looking at your wastes. I wouldnt worry unless you do see something every time you go.


  5. This related to Im surprised you even looked at your "poo."  I suggest looking through your "poo" nxt time. No soap. Like in Jurassic Park!

  6. Not sure why you "found" anything, but...

    In the US, people don't get worms very often since we sanitize our water and have food standards.  To get worms, you would generally have to ingest the eggs in f***s (e.g. kid playing in sandbox where the cat defecated, then eating candy and l*****g hands).  With the exception of hookworms, which can migrate through the skin, like walking around in bare feet.

    Because humans are not the intended host for dog and cat worms, they don't live normally inside people.  In a dog or cat, roundworms go through a cycle where they get coughed up through the lungs and swallowed, then live in the intestines, feeding off of ingesta and reproducing.  In people,  they get lost in that cycle and often migrate to the eyes, brain, or other organ where they become encysted (wrapped off) by the body.  Do a search for 'ocular larval migrans' to get details on that.  In any event, round worms look basically like sphagetti and whipworms look like angel hair pasta...long, thin, whitish.

    A little white wiggling thing (grain of rice) on a dog or cat would indicate tapeworms.  They are actually not the worm, just a segment that contains the eggs but the muscles spasm and appear to move.  Tapeworms are the type that people think of as you eating a lot and never gaining weight.  Supposedly, tapeworm eggs were once sold in magazines as a weight loss method.  However, tapeworms have an even more complex life cycle and first need to be ingested by a flea, which is then either eaten by the dog/cat, or is eaten by a small animal (e.g. mouse), which is then eaten by the dog/cat.

    Long story short, it's remotely possible but very unlikely.  If you haven't had any other symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, eye pain, worms in stool), don't worry about it.   Even if you ate a worm egg as a toddler, it would be long gone by now.
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