
Please help!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my new rabbit doesn't want to move when i take =her outside on her leash. she will walk around in the house, but outside, she just freezes. also, what do i need to know about rabbits? i don't know much. i have a female dwarf rabbit that i got yesterday. she is 1 and a half years old.




  1. Walking on a leash is not something rabbits do naturally. As a prey species she may be scared at being out in the big scary world, which would explain the freezing.

    Rabbits don't generally just "walk" like a dog might - they either prefer to sit in one place and graze, or run around doing binkies. They don't understand the concept of going for a walk.

    For letting you rabbit outside it would be better to let her have some supervised time in a run.

    For info on rabbits and how to care for them check out these sites:

  2. my rabbits don't move eather maybe they don't like the leash or they don't feel safe. not much just change her cage and freash water and treats and food. have fun with her!

  3. Rabbits don't usually like leashes too much, and if she is an inside bunny she won't be used to the cold. You need to get her used to it gradually.

  4. well go to the sxite i give below....
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