
Please help-?

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I would like peoples opinion and help in the baby section too. Ive already posted this somewhere else but i would also like to hear from you guys since this is where I mostly am. Its a little long- but I thank you for taking the time to help me.




  1. im sorry to hear that,  i would leave before your child gets older to see everything he does

  2. If you don't leave he will kill you and then he will kill your daughter. Pack a bag for you & your daughter and leave. Go when he is away. Tell a TRUSTED family member/friend/neighbor (anyone!) your intentions. Ask them to help you, and call the police.  He will not be able to take your child away from you, don't worry.  There are so many shelters who can help women like you. If don't get help you WILL get killed. It takes a lot of COURAGE to do this, but you can do it. You have it in you. You are a woman, you are strong, and you have a child depending on you. make the right decision, and do it safely.

  3. god girl i feal for you ! but you have to get out

    ok you say he wont hurt the child  but  i bet you though he would never hurt you an first ????? and how would you feal if it did and you could have got away  also what if he went so far and somthing happened to you ?

    your mum and dad have seen him do this what do thay say ?

    please please please you cant bring up a child like this  s/he will grow up thinking that women are worth less and its ok for men to behave like that   do you want your child to go through the same ?babe even if you leave with just the clothes on you and your baby backs

    you must have internet acsess look up womens refuges if you can let us no what happens im sure thear is lots on hear that would like to no you and your child are ok
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