
Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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What would you do if a college girl emailed you to ask how you and your family were doing....

and you didn't respond. You're middle aged. Now you have to see her for the next few DAYS at an event that you never even thought you'd be at together!! You tried to talk to her and be polite but she didn't say much and walked away. Why??




  1. Why didn't you answer her e-mail?  I guess you were not interested so why the h**l do you care that she is not interested to speak to you...Stupid is as stupid does

  2. Why? You already know why. You didn't respond to her.

  3. It's normal cuz u didn't answer her email....

  4. she got a thing for you..?

  5. girls dont like when things are ignored..

  6. Because she realized you're not worth talking to?

  7. Understandable, you ignored her before now she is ignoring you.. Makes sense..  

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