
Please help randomly i get very dizzy/lightheaded and black out.?

by  |  earlier

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i usually get light headed when i get up in the morning but the light headness gos to a black my vision gos and i cant see anything and ill have to stop until it only last for a couple seconds.but sometimes i blackout randomly in the middle of my time i got very dizzy and everything was not really spinning but moving,this was lasting for about 45 mins or so. im 16 and female and i keep hearing the same thing but does anybody have any info for me so im not so worried about my health..and yes i been to the doctor and didnt help much at all.




  1. Have you seen a cardiologist? If not, you should try and get a referal to see one. You might get some answers from him or her. You should try to document what happens before your dizzy spells, as well as after. By documenting these occurances you may be able to see a trend. For example, did you eat enough that day? Did you over-exert yourself? Did you get up too fast? Dizziness is a very generalized symptom, so you should try to rule everything out, starting with the heart! Good luck!

  2. Did the doctor check your blood sugar? Are you having anxiety? Do you take meds or use alcohol or drugs? Did he check your heart? Your ears? It could be low blood sugar, panic attacks, reactions of meds or alcohol, a heart malfunction or an ear problem. Any of these could cause you to get dizzy and black out. That is serious, you need another opinion. Don't give up so quick. You could get seriously hurt by passing out, or even injure others. Try another doc.

  3. go see a docter

  4. Did the Doctor check to see if you are Anemic or Diabetic? Both of these problems can cause these Symptoms. Also, you may want to start Taking Vitamins with Iron.

  5. I'm 29 years old and have had this same problem since I was your age.  Its a drop in your blood pressure.  You probably have great blood pressure but if you stand up quick or do a quick motion the blood in your body doesn't make it to your brain fast enough causing the "blacking out"  Good thing is it's not deadly.  Your not passing out.  What I do when it happens is stop what i'm doing and kneel down.  This is just in case I do pass out so I don't have far to fall:)... which has never happened, and my vision comes right back.  Hang in there.  For me it has happened less and less with age and its just part of my life.  Good luck and feel free to email me with anymore questions.

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