
Please help sharp pain in side.... ttc and on clomid 100 mg?

by Guest55597  |  earlier

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ok so i started clomid this month i took from the 20-25th of this month and for the last few days i get this sharp pain in my left side by my hip. i don't know if its my ovary or what. Could this be because of ovulating? my husband hasn't been home since august 12 and i had my period the 16-20th so i don't think i can be pregnant but i don't know. i have heard you get pain if your ovulating but i don't know.

please help

Thank you




  1. Most likely it is a sign that ovulation is coming or just happened. When a follicle is enlarging, it can be painful. You should ovulate 5-10 days after your last pill. It could be a totally unrelated pain but, to play it safe, I'd get that husband of yours and start some baby making! Good luck!

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