
Please help - sleep problems

by  |  earlier

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kay so for like the past 2 weeks ive had the hardest time falling alseep, and not just falling asleep but i keep waking up once i do . and i get up early ( like 7-9) and fall alseep around 2-3. but its weird once im up , no matter what imte, im not tired? but i can feel it affecting me during the day - what could this be caused from , and what can i do to help?




  1. could be a variety of reasons..

    a) are you eating meals before you go to bed?

    b) are you exercising during the day ? not exercising makes your sleep less deep and thus worse.

    c) are you bored during the day? could alter sleep patterns.

  2. You aren't drinking a lot of caffeine before bed time are you? Maybe you just have to much on your mind and keep thinking a lot. First thing you need to do is turn off all the lights, TV, Computer, stereos, and try to relax. Think of relaxing things like sitting in a whirlpool and letting the water beat gently against your skin or sitting alone on the beach and listen to the seagulls and feel the ocean breeze blowing through your hair. While laying in bed close your eyes and count the sheep jumping over the fence, only don't just count them, watch their every move. Fix your eyes on the first sheep and watch it from where it is standing, then follow it with yours eyes up over the fence and where it lands, then go to the next one and so on. The eye movement should put you to sleep. I wish you the best young lady, and hope you get a good nights rest all week.

  3. I can't sleep well either.  I wake up after 3 hrs or 5 unable to go back to sleep.  For me there is no known reason because I follow all the suggestions about lifestyle and I'm healthy.  So, sometimes it is a mystery - someone just can't sleep well for some reason and thats that.

    Lots of times there is a reason though.  A medical condition can cause it so you might want to get checked out by a doctor.  

    Also, stress or over-excitement can cause it.  Poor diet (eating too much, too little, bad nutrition), too much or not enough excercise, excercise within hrs of going to bed, bad environment (noise, too much light, uncomfortable bed, too hot or too cold), too much coffee, alchohol, not keeping a regular schedule (if you stay up real late some nights that can really throw you off and it can be hard to adjust.)

    Some things which can help are relaxation excercise, hypnosis including self hypnosis, yoga, aerobic excercise but not near bedtime, keeping a regular schedule, don't take naps but it can help some people to take naps, don't eat before bed time (but eating a lot before bedtime can help some people), don't drink alchohol or coffee and if you do then don't have it near bedtime, if you are stressed about something try to learn to cope with it, do things during the day that will tire you out - get plenty of mental, physical stimulation, have fun sometimes, do something relaxing and fun but not stimulating before bedtime to prepare to relax, have a dark room, turn on a fan to block out noise, wear a mask over your eyes if your room isn't dark, during the day get some sun especially first thing in the morning when you want to be alert (wear sunscreen), dim the lights near bedtime, don't smoke but if you are trying to quit that would probably cause insomnia, if you are heavy lose weight, avoid "crash" diets.

    Other things that could help are chamomile/valerian tea, some say melotinin, over the counter sleep aids like benedryl or a prescription.

    It also helps to not worry about it.  It affects me during the day too if I don't sleep well but its not that big a deal to me, I can still do whatever I need to do and you can learn to just accept that you are not a good sleeper and make the best of it.  A good thing about it is you have more time in your life.  Lots of people live off of 5 hrs sleep or so and are very productive. Unless it is really severe and chronic it probably needn't be a big deal and you can learn to live with it.   I'm not saying you should just that you could.  Some people cannot function with less than 8 hrs or more, it depends on the person.  But putting a more positive light on it can even help you to sleep more because then you don't care nor worry if you stay asleep when you go to bed.

  4. try to do more physical activity in your day.

    it works!

  5. do you stay on the computer watch tv right before bed? that gives you insomnia if right before bed. Other than that take a nice shower/bath with calimg aloe vera bubblebath before bath, HELPS, brush your and if that doesnt work what i would do is make an appointment to the doctor, what could hurt?  

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