
Please help so depressed need somone to talk to?

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my name is brittany i am 17 years old i dont want to live anymore i am so alone i have no one to talk to, my mom is here but she never talks to me and even if i try she doesn't listen and i just dont want to live anymore and it seems like i have nothing to live for anymore anyways i look to god for a lot of things and i even ask him to kill me someway i know thats not right but i dont want to be here anymore i just want to be happy and it seems impossible please i really need someone to talk to thank you for reading

love you all





  1. First of all, you need to breathe when you type and place commas and periods where necessary.

    Second, it's not cool to state your name and age on this crazy internet world.

    Third, you are so young and not wanting to live your life is serious.  Happiness is possible my dear.  It's all in your outlook on life.  Your avatar states the word "rebel".  Maybe it's this behavior that your mom doesn't like.

    Hang with good positive friends, read some feel good books and see feel good movies.  Make goals for yourself and think happy thoughts.

    Perhaps some therapy might help as well.

    I wish you well

  2. The absolute best thing you can do for yourself right now is to go talk to your minister/pastor, your school counselor, or some other kind of counselor. You are suffering from depression and there are a lot of things that you can do to feel better sooner rather than later. You don't really want to die nearly as much as you just want a different and better life than the one you have at present. And, you can have a better life...but first you need to get help.

    Please contact a counselor at once.

  3. I know how you feel. My mom and me never got along until about a year ago, my daddy was never around, and it was really hard! Things really turned around for me and I meet the love of my life (now fiance), 21 weeks pregnant, me and mom are best friends, me and dad are extremely close! Dont worry so much. God is going to bless you in many ways and sometimes we are unable to see those from looking at all the negativity that we have in our lives!! God Bless you and GOOD LUCK! Do not feel that you are not valuable enough to this world and the Lord Jesus Christ that you do not deserve to be here! You Do! and God has a special plan for you. Tough it out and if you need to talk about anything I am here! My personal email is!

  4. I am 22 years old and I have gone through almost everything.people like you don't realize many things, and that is what I try to do.I am a person that likes to help people like you out.I can be very helpful, have been in many other cases.E-mail me at if you need any kind of help.I am here to help you.

  5. At 17 you have decided that it is impossible to be happy?  Give it at least until 30.  You aren't qualified to judge how your are going to feel in the rest of your life.

  6. It's not good to be depressed. Try praying more. I was once depressed, but finding other things to do and being more active helps. Be thankful for what you do have. At seventeen you should be considering ,what you'll do after graduation.Career choices, making new friends,hobbies .I am surprised you ended by saying : love you all. How can you love others and not love yourself ? Email me if you'd like to chat,, ANYTIME.  

  7. try the suicide hotline, don't give up if at first you don't get in touch keep tryin! (it's 1-800-suicide)

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