
Please help? tattoo? mom? don't want to go behind her back?

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  1. Then dont go on her back. Just tell you want it. Put some right view points.

    1Tell her that the tattoo you want is not a private parts or near to them.

    2 IT can be removed.

    3 it will be hidden under clothes. so the family members of your mother or father will not know of it.

    etc etc etc

  2. I did it. Just mention it to her-that you want one.  then just go get one. she will have to except it sooner or later!

  3. if u go behind her back, wuts the worst she can do? ground u for a month? its not the end of the world. i told my mom i was going to get my lip pierced, and she said if i did she would take everything out of my room and id be grounded for a YEAR. when i did it anyway, she didn't do anything.

  4. if ur grown then just ask yo mom 2 go wit u.

  5. I think you should explain to your parents the meaning and reasoning behind your tattoo choice. They may be saying no because they think you're doing it as a form of rebellion. If after explaining it they say no just suck it up. You're only 15, there's a reason they have parental consent form.

    note* Lindsay Lohan...really? Get some original tattoos.

  6. According to your other post, it seems like you might be on some shaky ground with your parents.  I really wouldn't push it if I were you.  Plus, a Lindsay Lohan inspired tattoo might seem cool now, but that novelty is going to wear off

  7. If you don't want to go behind your mother's back, then just wait three years! That way it is fully your decision without the weight of your mother's disapproval. It's not as long as it sounds, and you'll get exactly what you want.  

  8. I think going behind her back would lead to more trust issues, which you probably already have a lot of. At first I was totally against the whole getting a tattoo  thing, but since I understand your situation it might be alright on some conditions. I think if the tattoo would make you stop cutting yourself and if it would make you happy you should go for it. If you are still going to cut than I wouldn't due it because you'd just ruining the tattoo.

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