
Please help this is serious,i beg your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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since i started middle school i haved become so self concient that my math grade has gone from an a to a d, and i am in 8th grade now, i try my best at concentrating on what the teacher says, but i cant because i am thinking about what others might be thinking of my outfit, or thinking of me, i cant really help it, and i get really frustraded, like a cry for like 10 minutes when i get home fom school, because i feel like people are talking about me, like that i am ugly or something like that.......please any suggestions would be good, i want my parents and me to be happy with my math grade!

no bad comments, i dont feel like taking them! thank u!




  1. I so understand how you feel! Like you can't even breathe without everyone looking at you and taking notes! One thing that helped me was when someone said "What's so special about you, that you think anyone would be watching you?" It really hurt when they said it, but when I thought about it later it kind of made sense. Now, if I'm feeling uncomfortable I just look around and think, "So why would anyone bother to notice what I'm doing?" Kind of reverse psychology I suppose, but it certainly helps me. Hope it helps you, too!

  2. tel this problem to ur parents they will help u

  3. I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way. You said that you are in 8th grade? I am in 12th grade now, but I will tell you I use to feel that way at one time.  I always was concerned with what others thought of me, what others perceived. However, with time, you learn to realize you are your own person and God gave you special gifts and abilities, and although perhaps you might not have everything perfect, with time, you come to realize that we, as human beings all have our strengths and our weaknesses. With that said, it is important to understand that although it is important to carry yourself with dignity and care if people have a respect for you, it is also important to understand that people who perhaps are talking about others or who are criticizing others, are in fact insecure about their own feelings. It is important to realize that as long as you believe that you are an amazing, incredible, wonderful person, you truly are, and no matter what people say to put you down, you know it's not the truth, and you will be motivated to press on and overcome all adversity in life. If I were you, I would think about all of the things that you are proud of about yourself, and then use that as motivation that you can do anything and bring up that math grade. I know it is difficult to be sidetracked by social adversity, often in the way of your schoolwork, it happened to me, but don't be afraid to tell your parents, ask a friend, talk to a close teacher, to get you through  the tough times. It always worked for me. But, in general, if you continually feel this self-doubt, do not be afraid to go to a psychologist or your doctor, to find a way to help you. That is what they are there for. Hope this helps.

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