
Please help us to create new ideas for a charity campaigne.?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so we are creating a charity campaigne and we are only highschoolers. To begin our campaigne we want to creat something small just to spread the word on who we actually are and our main goal. We are planning to do a mini event that isn't over the top. Can anyone suggest things we can do just for starters? Remmember we need an event that is not




  1. You can have a bake sale.  That's always a way to go for a charity 'campaign'.  Or you can buy material where people can make their own items such as candles, bracelets, T-shirt decorating....Or you can have a game night like Bingo.  One dollar per card, or you could have a raffle...Just to name some things.  Hope any of this helps you out.

  2. Offer a $100 free gas for every donation over $15. The certificate will cost $10, and your group gets any profits over that.


  3. My company can help. We offer a fund raising program. Usually when an organizer starts a fundraiser for charity or other reasons they try to sell products. Then they have to do it again the next year. With ours it only has to be done once and can earn money for as long as you want it to. Our product is electricity. Participants sign up and the organization receives funds every month like clockwork. Let me know if you are interested in finding out more

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