
Please help! what are some interesting questions i can ask her about Germany?

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can you please give me some interesting questions i should ask my german tutor about germany. something that could keep a conversation going for awhile. =)




  1. Was ist deine telephonenummer?

    Futtere die katze machmal im die morgen am deinstag dreimal oder zweimal?

    Essen die Kasebrot oder die gelb Zitrone?

  2. How many dialects are there in Germany?

    How many old castles still stand in Germany?

    How old is Germany?  How did Bismarck play a role in the pre- WWI boundaries?

  3. what do they call french fries in germany?

    do german people like americans?

    what languages do you speak?

    where's the best place in the world you have ever been?

  4. Hope these sites helps:

  5. there are always a lot of interesting questions that you could ask one of a different nationality.

    Ask about something you are really interested in.

    If it is sports ask about sports.

    Maybe a topic of the current news

    - They are discussing to forbit alcohol to people under 18, because of so much drunken kids.

    - They are discussing about non-smoking restaurants and bars.

    If you are interested in politics or the differences in the social system, aks her about that...

    There are a lot of differences that would be interesting to discover.

    It really depends on your relationship and how open-minded you and her are.

    Enjoy it!

  6. actually herm, east germans were allowed to travel to other places, but the east german gov't was very strict and if you did not return when you were supposed to and the gov knew you bailed, your family would face consequences..

  7. What definetly could keep a convestation going is questions about the World Cup, the German Bundesliga..just soccer in general...we love to talk about that...also you could ask about funny stories written in the Bild Zeitung which is the best comedy magazin in Germany, (calls itself newspaper tough).

  8. Since 15 year olds can drink beer in Germany, would you get drunk with me?

    There's a town in Wisconsin named "New Berlin".  Is there a "New Milwaukee" in Germany?

    Sind Ihre Höschen rot?

    Is the Black Forest really black?

    Can you make a "U" with your tongue?

    Pilsner or Weiss?

    How much are prostitutes in Frankfurt?

    Are your parents German too?

    Would you buy me a Mercedes Benz with your discount?

    Is Angela Merkel hot or what?

  9. Anything about the Autobahn, Audi, Porsche, VW, BMW, or Mercedes Benz.  Also ask about Germans views on environmental control.

  10. ask about the best german food, ask about the region of the black forest and for her to tell you about the mad king ludwic II

  11. What might be of interest for both of you is reflecting on your prejudices / clichees: Ask her what ideas about your country she had and if she found them to be true or false (you might learn something about your own culture yourself) and test your own ideas about Germany on her (I am German and have never worn a "Dirndl", don't like beer and couldn't care less about soccer, for example).

    But if she is your tutor hopefully she will have something prepared for you and if not discuss topics you are both interested in for a next session - this way you can prepare vocab and get this problem out of the way so you can focus on grammar / pronunciation etc.

  12. Here are some:

    1. Do you think it's better now that Germany is one unified country instead of East and West?

    2. Is it true that Germany is the most Americanized nation in Europe?

    3. I cannot imagine not being allowed to leave my country for any reason. How did the East Germans live like this for so many years up until 1989?

    4. Do most Germans speak English and how well? At what age do they train the children to speak English?

    5. In  what countries is German the main language spoken (besides Germany)?

    6. What is more difficult to learn from a English speaking person's perspective? Spanish, French, or German?

    7. Are the Pennsylvania Dutch people really Dutch?

    8. How many Walmarts do they have in Germany?

    9. What's the coolest city in Germany?

    10. There is a place in Pennsylvania called "East Berlin". Any similarity to the one in Germany?

  13. Were any of her relatives n***s ?

    Did any of her relatives kill Americans ?

  14. You could ask him/her if they have ever been in Berlin while the wall was still up and then if they have been there since it is gone.

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