
Please help...what are the white spots(blisters) on my child's sole of feet and his palms?

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Has anyone's kid here had white spots or little blisters break out on the bottom of the feet(soles) and palms of hands and around the fingers? I am not seeing any white spots on my son's tongue and I can't seem to tell if he has any on back of his throat. What are the white blisters though? He just got them today, I was informed by daycare and he has 99 temperature.




  1. Impetigo?

  2. As someone else said, it could be hand, foot, and mouth disease.  I had it when I was little, and I only got it on my hands and in my mouth, none on my feet, so it could be that they're only showing up on two places on him, too.  I'd take him to the doctor and get it checked out.  Hope he feels better :)

  3. I would say it is nothing serious but take him to the doc asap. I don't think you should worry but taking him to get looked at is the best thing. Also, you might want to go to Web-MD. You can put the symptoms in and they might have an answer. Good luck.

  4. hand, foot, and mouth

    highly contagious

    already too late!  :)

    most dr.s don't prescribe anything other than tylenol to ease discomfort.  just offer lots of fluids and ride it out

  5. This sounds like Hand Foot Mouth Disease.

    Please go to your doctor, Keep bub away from other children as it can be passed on to others.

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