
Please help. what in the world is this!?

by  |  earlier

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My friend has been feeling really sick for about 5 days now. Whenever she eats. it makes her feel sick, she doesnt get

hungry and seems to be getting a temp at night only.

She wont go to the doctor but please some advice?

what should she eat? & whats with the temp at night thing




  1. Drinking and remaining hydrated is more important than getting food down when someone is not feeling well. She should eat whatever she can stomach and just make sure to drink plenty of fluids and not worry about not eating much  food.

    When one's body is trying to heal from something their appetite naturally goes down and this is a good thing; this way the body has less "food processing" to do and more energy to put into healing.

    No one could possibly tell what is causing her problems, however, by email. She should visit her health professional and find out what is going on if the problem continues.

    I am still and always amazed by the fact that so many Americans are so against universal health care. So many people there are so afraid to go to their doctor or naturopath to see what is wrong with them and my guess is that the reason is financial and for lack of insurance.

  2. She should really go to the doctor.  I would recommend a light soup.  Not a creamy soup but something such as noodle or chicken broth.  Maybe some egg drop soup since it has some protein and is easy to take down.  Also if she isn't drinking...try to get at least gatorade...pedialyte is the best but expensive and it doesn't taste the best in the world.

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