
Please help? which game is better? easy 10 points?

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what game is better for the 360

halo 3

call of duty 4

gears or war

please help




  1. Well, first of all it is hard to compare Gears to Halo and CoD.  Halo and CoD are classic FPShooters while Gears implements a cover system.  Halo and CoD are both very quick games especially when there are multiple people in a small area.  Halo is for the most part more tactical and strategic than CoD because you must employ strategies such as jumping while fighting, power weapons, and when to melee and your health takes much longer to deteriorate.  CoD is less tactical because you just try your best to kill someone when you encounter them and even the weapons are pretty balanced out so no weapon has a large or even average difference over another.  BUT certain games modes such as Hardcore Search and Destroy are more tactical than Halo because of the extreme realism, teamwork, and strategic ideas required.  Although sometimes Halo and CoD can seem very similar as they can both often be like a run n' gun shooter and can turn into frag/plasma/flashbang/spike feast (LOL).  So you can hardly compare the three games.  Especially Gears which is a lot farther from Halo and CoD in gameplay style, strategy, and game pace.  So what the best options I can recommend are buy Gears and one of the others to get the overall best experience or buy all three!  Those three games are amazing and you simply can't say one is better than the other because all three a definite buys in my opinion!  Hope my advice helped!  

  2. Halo 3 becuase:

    you can create your own maps

    great campaign

    and its very fun to play on xbox live

  3. call of duty 4 is the best out of those.

    the campaign is challenging and at the same time amazing.

    there are always alot of people online, so you dont have to worry about waiting rooms.

    it is also one of the most fun games for 360 ive played

  4. gears of war 2  wait for it

  5. Call Of Duty 4 or Halo 3.

    Personally, I would put Battlefield: Bad Company ahead of all of them.

  6. COD 4 for sure

  7. Gears of War.

  8. Well i would say halo 3 because it has a well balanced single and multiplayer COD4s campaign is too short and multiplayer isnt as fun and gears of war is just like halo exept multiplayers not that good and campaigns preety much the same Funwise

  9. Call of duty 4 but it also depends on what its for like the ps3 or the computer i have call of duty 4 for pc and i never get bored of it & the origial halo was better and gears of war is good but call of duty is better in my opion

  10. In Single Player Gears Of War has the most to offer because COD 4 & Halo 3's single campaign is pretty short.The multiplayer is the best in COD 4 its sooo addictive.

  11. Halo 3. No question.

  12. call of duty 4

    Halo 3 sucks and it takes like 14 million bullets to kill someone. grenades are hard to throw so they would kill somebody, and fastest way to get kills is to "hit them with your gun". its stupid and way too many little kids play it.

    I never plyed gears of war, and people tell me its alright, but not like call of duty 4.

    Call of Duty 4 is amazingly realistic and it takes skill to win. Graphics are very good, too. It has many different guns and perks that you earn as you get better. Buy the game of the year edition since it's the same prize and it comes with the newest 4 maps to play online.

    I personnally dislike shooters (even though I'm pretty good). I like the good old days when people played mario, madden, and racing games instead. Oh well.

    Oh and try this site called and You can get xbox 360 stuff if you complete surveys and stuff. It's not really "free" since you have to work on the free surveys to get it, but you don't have to get real cash to pay for it. good luck man

  13. Well ill have to say Halo 3 because it is a very fun game online and offline...if you played Halo 1 and Halo 2 then you'll want Halo 3..but if you do not like games that aren't really Realistic then i would tell you to buy Call of Duty 4.

    But i would choose Halo 3

  14. Halo 3

  15. Halo 3


    Good Multiplayer

    Good Single Player

    Create levels and share with the world

    A very good game if you have parties over your house

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