
Please help ! why do i feel so lonely and depressed when my b/f is not around ? I feel empty !?

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Once i see him or hear his voice My WHOLE body turns ON, and i feel alive again. I know is not healthy,and that i should love my self more,but what can i do ? i can't tell him that ! what should i do ?




  1. I would see if I could get some counseling for severe emotional dependence.. And I am not saying that to be mean, but you don't want to be clingy, because that will most likely leave you lonely in the end.. Might as well nip the problem in the butt before it gets out of hand.

    I'd also try to read some books or listen to some tapes that are motivational & inspiring & allow for you to feel good about yourself. Get into some new hobbies & try some new things.. Go to different places than you normally do.. Try your hand at some kind of creative thing, like painting, drawing, sculpting, heck even carpentry. lol Find something to do that allows you to feel proud of yourself & that you are good at. Sports, singing, dancing, anything.. Those things help you feel alive & you'll get a lot of enjoyment out of accomplishing something for yourself & you may discover a hidden talent. :)

  2. You love him and love spending time with him! When he's gone you miss him and that's the feeling you have.  

  3. This is extreme emotional dependence.  You feel as though you don't exist, except as an extension of him.  This is a big problem because you've given away your "self."  Remember, YOU are the center of your universe, not him.  He's the center of his universe, not you.  Your relationship is how you bring those two worlds together for your mutual benefit.  Get a life -- seriously.

  4. you need to fall in love with yourself

    enjoy your own company

    and be your own best friend......

  5. YOU STILL LOVE HIM! And you miss him so much, the reason why you're going through this phase is that you still miss him and you're still in love w/ him.  

  6. Sounds like you're in love...I suggest that you find things to do with your time so you won't feel empty. You shouldn't feel depressed and lonely, I'm sure he misses you also. Just be happy that you two found eachother. I felt like you when I first fell in love with my b/f and we're still going strong.Good luck!

  7. Could this be love I wonder?

  8. if you are lonely answer this ad

  9. It's called young love. Enjoy the torment of it, it won't last long.

    You have an obsessive nature I prefer to call it an over active mind. You must learn to balance yourself .Right now he is the only thing that turns your crank, you need more than just him. If you really care about him you will need other things to stimulate you. Hobbies sports careers int rests what ever. Find more than 1 thing that gets you exited.

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