
Please help!!!! will choose best answer 10 points(Love situation)?

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There is this guy, He's 25 (I'm 17 will be 18 in six months) I feel he likes me, he has been flirting with me for almost a year, and he is still single, so I feel he is waiting for me to become legal,but I'm not really sure,he said and I quote "You are so hot, when are you going to be my wife"So this guy he is always telling me how pretty I am, and saying how far my looks can get me. He recently said I am very attractive, and when he hugged me he said he could hug me forever.He is always making fun of how young I am. (What does this mean???!!) And just the other day, he told me I was going to be his wife.He keeps asking me when are we getting married. Do you think he can be joking? What kind of approach should I take to him?( I don't plan on doing anything until I reach 18) Any predictions what he might do in the future. Furthermore, do you think he may be interested? Is he afraid? I know him well enough by now, he is not all creepy, looking to score or whatever.Again, I don't plan to talk to him until I am 18, but what could i do to keep his interest.Is he interested?

Also,I was on the phone with his sister yesterday, and he told her "Tell my baby I said hi" and I'm like "Im not your baby" he said "Yes you are". I met him at my church, so hes no perv or anything...




  1. sounds like he's just kidding you but who knows that might be how he is but all i can say is ask him if he's interested or just messing with you!!!

  2. i no u sed you met him @ church but he does sound kinda perv-ish. dont think hes joking wen he says that. my mom thot my dad was joking the first 9 it sounds tho like he likes you only 4 your looks. be wary...

  3. Sounds like Mr X is crushing on you big time he might be waiting till your 18. he might be waiting for you to make the move

  4. this is what is known as the bang and break technique... he wants to take away ur virginity and break up with you... who knows if hes still single maybe hes just desperate for a girl too lol that could be a possiblility

  5. Eh sounds like a bit of a nutjob.  

  6. do you feel that you're that pretty? or is he exaggerating too much in his compliment?  He speak about marriage too soon without knowing how you two will be together during dating phase of relationship. i am pretty sure guys will talk really sweet to make woman to believe and trust them. you can wait until 18 before dating him like you planned. after that if you're interested in him and want to find out what he said to you is true!? in the end, any ways the result can happen, you can learn from that experience, good and bad about guys. he can be real or not with what he said about you and his promises. nobody can tell the future. i hope my answer is part of the answer you're looking for. good luck

  7. Uhh... he sounds creepy.

  8. I think that is his not so good way of trying to see if you think hes too old for you.I think he likes you and is interested in dating you but he wants to find out if you think he is an old man.LOL.

  9. I think he's just having his fun with you

    Don't take it too seriously

    Guys his age don't typically want anything from girls our age other than s*x...

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