
Please help with ADSL modem troubles?

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Whenever i use bitcomet or connect to game servers (namely gamespy comrade for COD4) my modem freezes up and ceases all activity. i then have to wait for about 5mins for it to restart and then try again.

I have a DSL-302g modem connected to a switch which is connected to three computers. I have NAT enabled and ports for bitcomet opened and tested. No one in the house except myself uses the internet for downloading or gaming.

I know i probably should bite the bullet and buy a new modem, but i dont want to fork out just yet not if theres something i can try first.




  1. Have you tried updating the modems firmware

  2. does sound as though the modem is on the way out, you mention 5 minutes before it restarts, should only be a minute or so, maybe its overheating and has to cool, have you checked the modems logs to see whats going on??

    easiest way is to try another one before putting any more time in to this, just purchase from pc world, test it, and if its the modem job done, if not it's easy to return

  3. Some modems/routers block/choke/restrict/throttle torrent sites/ports they use automatically as do some ISP's in the UK.

    Try disabling DHT as some are set to detect this.

    Try choosing a port within this range 49154 to 65534

    Here's a guide

    I actually use µTorrent but the choice is yours.

    I'm not sure about the gaming sites, hopefully someone else can help you with that.

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