
Please help with a mole on my dads back, I'm starting to get a bit worried ?

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My dad has recently started smoking again.

He used to smoke quite a lot then he stopped for a year or so then started on and off again because of stress and stuff going on at his work yada yada.

And ever since he has started smoking again he has got more and more ill gradually.

Nothing serious though at the moment.

But he does have a mole on his back that appears to be sore and has only recently developed, my mum said it has got bigger and when I last saw it (few hours ago) it has a skin coloured base with like a blacky-gray top part, if oyu get me ?

Now I'm quite worried about this whether or not it is cancer ? should I get it checked out ?

also we have just come back from cyprus where it was very hot (seriously unbearable) and I know you can get skin cancer from the sun.

I dunno I'm just speculating, but do you think I should urge him to get it checked out just to be on the safe side ?

Thanks, all answers appreciated.




  1. It would be best for your father to see a doctor about the mole, especially if it is growing larger or changing shape.

  2. Moles are often judged by the ABCD mnemonic.

    A: Is it assymetrical?

    B. Are the borders irregular?

    C: What is the color? Different shades within a mole are suspicious

    Different shades of brown, or black. blue, red and white are all of a concern

    D: What is the diameter? Greater than 6 mm should be checked

    E: Is it elevated?

    However, basically, any CHANGE in a mole is to be of concern and should be checked by a doctor.

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