My two year old is very agressive. Always was a live wire, but he is a boy and needs constant activity. He has a one year old brother and has recently started becoming more agressive. This morning he hit him in the head with a metal car until he bled. It was just a surface scratch, but freaked me out.
I was in the bathroom - two feet away. I heard the baby cry and the older one came to the door yelling his name.
I immediately went out to find a bloody child. It was very hard for me to maintain composure.
My two year old told me he fell. (Recently started lying) But I had no reason to not believe him. After cleaning the baby up I found a metal car covered in blood. As I am relying to my mom for help my two year old gets mad that he is playing with the trians and hits him again. I spanked both times the last sending him to him to his room.
Any suggestions? Would like to educate myself on this behavior. We have an appointment with our doctor in a month, but I can`t wait!!