
Please help with ballet! 10 points to best answer.?

by  |  earlier

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so heres the deal. my big problem is not being able to memorize combinations well. before i had this problem and i bought 2 technique books which i study. i just have hella trouble in class executeing the combos. i have no problem with the techinique. its just the memorizeing part! i feel so embarassed in class! im starting my first pointe class with advanced students and im freaking out! how can i remeber the combinations!!! and also how can i improve my beats. i really suck at those /:

10 points to the best answer!!!




  1. First of all relax. You can't be too anxious, and don't try too hard, just keep working hard. do you get the difference?

    So now to getting the choreography/combinations, when the teacher is explaining or demonstrating, do it with him/her and see what connects each movement to the next. See if there's  a weight transfer or flow between movements or think of how each shape morphs into the next. Another way to go about it is saying the names of the movements/steps as the teacher does it and say it in your head like a song and sing it back to yourself in your head during the combo. Sometimes this helps me when its one of those days where i keep dazing out. Also, compacting a combo makes it easier for me to remember. For example, instead of tendu, tendu, tendu, degage, front, side, back side; I'll just say: 3 tendus and a degage en croix. Easier to remember, no? Lastly, write it down at the end of class so you can ask if you forget a section, and then you can go over it at home and before the next class. Good luck and just don't panic, you'll get it.

    Now with beats. If you think of bringing your thighs together, that should help. Also, make sure your plie is ample enough to give you enough suspension when you jump. Use your abs to "hold yourself in the air". And you do want to think of keeping your feet pointed as hard as you can. This should help you get off the ground, have a nicer line in the air, and roll through your foot when you land. Although you're pointing your foot hard, also remember not to sickle.

    Good luck with your beats, all it takes is practice, then all of a sudden one day it'll click and be a breeze :D

  2. The way I remember combinations is I try to think of something that will remind me of the step that comes next and I go over it in my head a couple of times before I leave the class incase I forget something and then ask the teacher. But it does take time. I've been dancing for 12 years now and I still sometimes forget!

  3. about memorizing.

    while the teacher is telling the exercise. mark them with your feet. or write them down(but i don't think this works well).

    and when you are memorizing and marking the steps. think about the beat. and how it changes. and keep a count on your head, going with the beat of the music.


    you can ask your ballet teacher for help. ;)

    she'll probably know some tricks.


    do memory exercises. those will really help.

    you can play the game called memory. and search on the internet for the names and how to do the exercises. so if they say them vocally. you'll know what to do.

    GOOD LUCK with your pointe shoes.

    I'll give you some pointe info. just if you want some. :)

    |[ Pointe shoes, also referred to as toe shoes, are a special type of shoe used by ballet dancers for pointework. They developed from the desire to appear weightless and sylph-like onstage and have evolved to allow extended periods of movement on the tips of the toes (en pointe). Pointe shoes are normally worn only by female dancers, though male dancers may wear them for certain roles, such as the ugly stepsisters in Cinderella, Bottom in A Midsummer Night's Dream, or men performing as women in dance companies such as Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo and Grandiva. ]|

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    ^ That is like a gym for your memory.


    GOOD LUCK.! contact me if you need anything else.

  4. for memorizing the steps you can write them down if you have break time and then practice them at home. or you could have private lessons.

    for getting better at rhythm, i suck at it myself. you could take piano or another instrument. but i think piano is the best.

    Hope i helped!

  5. when you're learning the steps, think of nothing other than the routine and try to have a clear head. don't get too nervous.

    it helps me to think of the MUSIC that goes with the steps.

    also, after i learn a combination, i go over and over it in my head so i don't forget it!

    hope this helped =)

  6. I just do it and say it as they are teaching it. So if we are working on Assemble' I say 'assemble' ' and practice it at the same time. It helps me.

  7. write them down when you get home , it helps. I don't know how to help your beats Just bevel alot, then it'll look good at least. Think about what you're doing while you're doing it so you'll remember better. I've been dancing for 10 years and I've been writing them down, also try to think of the steps together not as seperate things.

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