
Please help with boyfriend ?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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so were both 13 and in 8th grade. so he told me that hes had s*x before and he usually does it with all his girlfriends. but im a virgin and i dont wanna have s*x yet because im wayyy too young ! but what do i do to tell him no ? i like dont wanna be mean about it and i dont really want it to be awkward. so what can i do if he tries anything with me ?

thanks !




  1. Well if he really cares for you then s*x shouldn't be a priority to him and he shouldnt pressure you to do something ur just not ready for and be understanding. Saying no won't hurt his feelings and if he says it does then you should leave him right then and there because that shows how insensitive and selfish he is towards you and you deserve sooo much better. You're right 13 is too young to be having s*x, I lost my virginity when I was 18 (I'm 20 now) and even then I think I was still too young to lose it. I think you should just be enjoying life with your girlfriends and enjoy dating but nothing as serious as having s*x. Personally I think when my boyfriend gives me a sincere sweet kiss on the forehead, caresses my hand, or runs his hand through my hair is a more beautiful feeling of love to me than having s*x. But like I said, if you feel that he won't stop pressuring you to have s*x, forget him and find a guy who will just love being with you with no expectations becuase that's exactly what you deserve.  

  2. End it with this guy immediately.  He will keep putting pressure on you until you give in to him.  You both are way too young but apparently he started early and thinks girls should too.  Just tell him that he is too fast for you and that you don't want to get into this kind of relationship right now.  Then date other guys that are not as experienced and are just into hand holding and light kissing.  

  3. seriously. if hes worth having your bf then he wont get mad if you say no.

  4. well, if he respects you then he would accept your opinions and be willing to respect who you are as a person. Dont let him tell you that, because would it be right for him to say that, break up and go after someone else.. ? he may not be like that. but consider it. ask him. talk to him and be honest about it. you are too young. but things happen. just wait for the right person. the perfect moment. maybe it is going to be with him. but only time will tell. get to know him. give it a few years. and see how things work out. dont rush though. just be open and honest. if he wants to be with you, he'll understand. =) best of luck!

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