
Please help with chiclid tank?

by Guest34454  |  earlier

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right now i have a 90 gallon tank 48x18x25. with rock caves and a large piece of drift wood with several plants. Many hiding places. It's housing 2 jaguar chiclids about 3 inches in length each and appear to be showing signs of bieng a pair. With them is a 3.5 inch tiger oscar wich gets along with the 2 jags very well. i also have a 5 inch long clown knife that does good with them also and spends most of the day hiding and comes out a night. and last of all i have loepard pleco. wich only gets about 6 inches long. Right now theese fish are doing great together but in the long run, what size tank would i have to be looking for? i know i will need a large tank but i know it is also possible to be a little overcrouded via this video ; .This is really a sad thing to see but it prooves that different aggresive species can live together. all in all what size tank do you reccomend.




  1. It sounds like your current tank is more than enough for the fish you have.  A 55 gallon could hold them comfortably. Do you have a healing tank to treat them for fin rot or ick?

  2. If the Jags end up pairing off you will need a separate tank for them, I'd say at least 100 gallons for just the pair since they get pretty big and mean.

    The oscar and pleco could stay in the 90 gallon tank by themselves.

    I'm not sure the Clown Knife would work in either tank but you could try leaving it in the 90 gallon with the pleco and Oscar.

  3. 60-120 gal. will work.

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